Hung out with some of Jimmy’s and Anthony’s friends over the weekend. Fun bunch.

22  2019-04-08 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


You dating any of them?

these HAVE to all be AGDQ speedruners

Yeah it’s a famous picture and it’s the reason I know what a speed runner is.

holy shit, I just googled "AGDQ" and it has some of the most pathetic looking people.

Look a young Lady Di.

Not a female tit to be seen.

yeah but speed runs are oddly fun to watch

"No, no, no, I'm not young."

Club (Won't Live Past) 33

I can smell this picture

Like a penisy stale jacket

I’m the one with the receding hairline.

They are just busy writing the new season of your once favorite show

I would fuck the blond closest to the camera possibly the women next to her

Nothing for the Rocky Horror Riff Raff looking thing?


Looks Michael Mckean after being exposed to gamma rays.

I’m surprised none of them glitched through the floor.

Is that Sam Robert's I see?

Jimmy Kimmels writing staff

The bald guy should get a nice wig for himself and cosplay as an ugly librarian.

What the fuck is that thing second on the left from the bottom.


I never noticed the person near the camera pretending to look at the menu instead of being a part of this picture.

What do you suppose this shit-heap left their poor waitress as a tip?

If their mom’s gave them enough money, maybe.

Ed Sheeran goes to great lengths to remain incognito, but i can see right through that blonde wig!

Third from the left looks like Terry whatsherface.. that Patrice roasted..

The balding one looks like Devin Townsend but it probably has never done anything awesome.

Devin rocks

Anthony and Erock having lunch in the background.


The mutants over at table 9

im no johnny depp, but that is a table full of unfortunate looking people.

I hope the kitchen staff put mercury in their mozzarella sticks.

Tevas for days

These literally might be the most valueless humans who have ever existed. Andre the Giant in the maroon cardigan has me howling.

YOU GOT THE TOUCH! YOU GOT THE POWER! YEAH! ............... im not lying arright

The pendulum is gonna swing back and all this nonsense is gonna be treated as a terribly humiliating moment in American culture. The next generation are gonna turn on their parents like Gen X did to the self-indulgent Baby Boomers. It will be hilarious.

I'm on the left, second from the front. Good times.

Dinner Ruiners

What in the fuck is that with skullet?

I thought I understood sexual dimorphism until I saw this picture.

The first three on the left? With a gun to my head I could not tell you what they were.

What an awful looking group of friends. The bald man on the left has breasts.

Well when guys try to look like women this is usually how it goes. No wonder Anthony went with Sue.

Nothing for the Rocky Horror Riff Raff looking thing?


Looks Michael Mckean after being exposed to gamma rays.

Devin rocks