Racially ambiguous fa la la la la

279  2019-04-08 by HomeRunCumia_Deux



Multicultural child groomer

Where is Nigger

All of them are Nigger


In your mom's bedroom


I hate that Anth is the type of person to do some unfunny shit like this, and if he got called out on it he'd claim you were offended.

One of the best bits CM had.


romanians are white europeans ... just sayin'

Mix of slavs, turks, and gypsies. No distinguishable civilization. Not white.

then caucasians are not white either ... gypsies are hated over there the same they're hated everywhere else in Europe ... I don't know where you got the turk thing from ... they're even whiter now compared to the West with all their multiculturalism

Admits they're not part of the West: not white

niggers are part of the west now, go to fucking Poland, The Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European countries ... they're light skinned europeans unlike that multiracial disgusting shit you got going on ... bunch of fuckin' soon-to-be brown beaners

Gets all huffy when you're obviously fucking with them: Very white

"obviously" sure

The Vikings were hired as elite guards for Eastern European kingdoms, and as a result, many in those areas are actually whiter than most in the West.

Romanians are basically Italians, so no they are not white, just look at ant.

they're whiter than italians, and they're not italians

They speak basically the same fuckin language.

Look at Anton Cumoiu over here! Go be a negru somewhere else.

you speak the same language as South Africa bitch, which is nigger land nowadays

Who cares shut the fuck up you cornball-level obsessed jizz bucket.

... and you enjoy being a nigger

Suc meu pule kurwa. Romanians being racist is the lowest form, welfare state shit country

just a pack of niggers attacking factual statements ... as per usual

How much of that billion euro highway we paid you fucking dumbshits did you end up building? Was it 50 km or is that too high? Corrupt racist shit cunts

German here. As German as it gets. Easily superior to you.

you're easily getting butt-fucked by an arab ... germanystan isn't german anymore you cucklord

Why is it that whenever I tell people here about my ancestry, they think I live in the actual Germany? Aren't you aware that every caucasian in the US came from a country in europe?

Maybe it's a southern thing. I found out a few years ago that southerners, when taking the census, often list their race as "american", as if there is such a race. But they forced it and now it's a thing. Weirdos who just want to be different because they lost and are bitter.

Because you said you’re German. If I hear someone say that they’re German, that implies being from Germany. I’m willing to bet your “German” grandparents shot at actual Germans in WWII. You’re a white guy, not a German.

Romanians are actually a Balkan people genetically similar to other Balkan and Central European populations. Romania is a white country. There are non-white Romanians just as there are non-White Americans, but they're both "white" countries.

Romanians are not Slavic or Greek or Hungarian, or Albanian. they are Eastern Latins, the Italians are western Latins.

Italians are black and so are Romanians. And they are also latino


Romanians cluster amidst their Balkan and East European neighbours. However, they generally lie significantly closer to Balkan groups (Bulgarians and Macedonians) than to central and eastern Europeans like Hungarians, Czechs, Poles and Ukrainians, and many lie in the center of the Balkan cluster, near Albanians, Greeks, and Bulgarians, while many former Yugoslav populations like Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes may draw closer to central European West Slavs. On autosomal studies, genetic distance of some Romanian samples to some Italians, such as Tuscans, is greater than that of the distance to neighboring Balkan peoples, but can in some cases still be relatively close when considering the overall European population structure; this likely reflects mainly ancient or prehistoric population patterns rather than more recent ties due to linguistic relationships.

You are retarded.

Tuscans are the white Italians.

Not surprising that black Latinos like Romanians are far from them, keep in mind that American blacks also have some Anglo dna.

Romanians are probably very genetically close to Sicilians(like ant) and Ethiopians.

centuries ago

Romanians are probably the most atrocious people on earth. Real niggers

don't confuse niggers with white eastern european people ... nigger

As much as I have respect for the Slavic people, they are niggers. No doubt about it. I spent time in rural Eastern Europe. I came to the conclusion pretty quickly.

not the ones i see hanging out in front of the romanian restaurant down the street

they're turkik hybrides like the rest of the balkans.

if you want to shit on smug germans, point out that they probably have slav in them

Where's the one of him on TV with the wispy mustache where he looks columbian?

The one where he's in the suit? Someone called him a "Fredo Corleone cosplayer" and i laugh at that all the time!

He can blend in unnoticed in almost any country on the globe. True obscurity.

Where's Pedo?

Where in the world is caramel daego.

Particularly Thailand.

well not in a white country, but i get your point

Bolivian instead of Spanish. I'm sorry I can't stop being an asshole and criticizing people. Thoughts and prayers.

These days he looks like one of those Easter Island statues



Romanians are white, dummy.

Romania literally sits in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. It doesn’t get much more Caucasian than that.

That’s the Carpathian Mountains, Romania is nowhere near the Caucasus.

Let’s not muddy up the discussion with facts.

family values: borderline pedophile,and has relations with trannies.

*looking and acting

If that's borderline, then Sandusky got a raw deal

thats true, he's definitely crossed over. it just trips me out , how much in denial he is about himself. about a lot of things really

Sandusky SHOULD be released from prison. HE DID NOTHING WRONG. And give JoePa his wins back!

he really does look pretty suave in top left pic. only photo shoot of him ever where he pulls it off.

If he just would accept the posts here and laugh at them and make fun of himself he could consider the ridicule over but he’s so self absorbed hell never quit fighting.

He could pass as Algerian or Iranian too.

he's really rape'y. we need to work the Indian angle more

Rachel Dolezal wishes she was half this black

The many faces of Antwan Kumiya, may his reign of terror finally be brought to an end.

niggers are part of the west now, go to fucking Poland, The Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European countries ... they're light skinned europeans unlike that multiracial disgusting shit you got going on ... bunch of fuckin' soon-to-be brown beaners

The Vikings were hired as elite guards for Eastern European kingdoms, and as a result, many in those areas are actually whiter than most in the West.

don't confuse niggers with white eastern european people ... nigger

Where in the world is caramel daego.