131  2019-04-08 by EskimoEscrow


Barney is that you?

Who else heard terminator music playing?

Isn't that the kid from Bad Santa?

Same posture, hooo-leeee shit you’re on to something

Thurman Murman?

Close, it's Andy Richter.

She’s preparing to play the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man in the next shitty Gohstbusters.

How long has she been pregnant for? Feels like its been 3 years

Is the father a water buffalo?

Oh no no no he's not a water buffaler.

Oh no what happened how did he die?

......... He put himself in front of an Amy

Amy, this is Liam Neeson, you're going to be taken.

no, just the mother.

correction...water buffler.

She's been bitching about how hard being pregnant is from day one. Most women wait until three months before they get their bitch on.

How can being pregnant hard if literally billions of retarded useless people are able to do it multiple times? Congratulations you completed a bodily function that’s been done countless times by countless species.

Not to mention she's looked like she was 8 months pregnant since day 1 as well.

She's probably carrying the antichrist

yes its from Hell

She was never pregnant.

I do believe whales have an average gestational period of around 18 months, so you’re right, this is a bit longer than expected.

Poor kid isn't developing on track due to her nutrient hogging.

She looks like Jim Gaffigan. And is equally funny.

She looks like she ate his set list.

She's consumed more than her fair share of hot pockets

Gaffigan has at least told a few funny jokes before.

Joe should date her.

Fuck that. He has Mila Jovovich.

You might want to sit down. I have some bad news about clashing schedules...

So close , she could have been mrs Cumia

He got the ghoul instead


Larry the cable guy

What is the name of this awful specimen?

James Hetfield

Transgender Judge Holden is coming to eat us next

She has a husband on the spectrum.

Judge Holden had "the idiot."

You're on to something here.

She also horrified people with what she did in an outhouse

...and apparently will never die.

I can smell her cunt

“Its like a small barnyard animal” -Amys stolen joke #578

It’s always moist from sweat.

Thanks for the NSFW. I just puked.


That poor animal looks sick, better put it down.

Miss Piggy has really let her self go

She's transitioning into Sam Roberts.

Fe fi fum fo! Give me another Oreo!

Stick a finger in her cunt and see if the lil feller is dead

If it has its mother's appetite you'll probably lose your finger.

Chris Farley?

holy fuck

What....what is that

The audacity of her to wear skin tight yoga pants while being that fat.

She thinks she's better than trailer trash, yet wouldn't look out of place as a character from Honey Boo Boo.

She looks like honey boo boo as an adult

Female John Goodman

It's kinda sad how she went from a kinda cute 20-something to a stereotypical midwestern mom over the course of a few years

kinda cute

nah don't even joke man, she was fuckable at one point but never cute



That smile on her pig face isn't about being happy because she's pregnant, it's the happiness of knowing she married a chef. How often does that fucking "guy" have to make gravy shakes in the hopes of getting her to just stroke the tip?

She just throws a box of toothpicks on the ground when it's time to get him off.

God have mercy!


Cant wait to see her in the new Godzilla

Still betting she geta a 3rd term abortion in ny where uncle chuck lives. Itll be a whole publicity stunt from hell

damn she hit the wall so hard


She’s turning into Lady Di

Is that her baby?? Oh, it's her.

Can she not afford iPods lol

is she pregnant in her face?

She should be playing acoustic guitar next to jack black.

Poor kid isn't developing on track due to her nutrient hogging.

She acquired Chris Farley’s face, that’s peak obesity.

Why does she even bother working out?

Really starting to get that old, broken down, only wrestling at VFWs and high school gymnasiums look down.

bitch look like a propane tank

She used to be fuckable. Look what happens when people go liberal/feminist.

Weeeee weeeee

Momma Boo Boo

Butt ugly

Shrek Jew

Is the father a water buffalo?

She's been bitching about how hard being pregnant is from day one. Most women wait until three months before they get their bitch on.

She's probably carrying the antichrist

She was never pregnant.

I do believe whales have an average gestational period of around 18 months, so you’re right, this is a bit longer than expected.

Poor kid isn't developing on track due to her nutrient hogging.