Look at you faggots gilding BroJoe's post like crazy like it's so unbelievable that an unemployed narcissist actually visits Reddit

111  2019-04-08 by Single_Action_Army

Calm down, queers.


We was only funnin

You're a good boy, you just frustrate me

Right? All the faggots upvoting and gilding should be hung in the town square.

Joe becoming a regular here is so incredibly bizarre. He's like an old, retarded Knickers with his 'give me karma' bit. What odd behaviour for a 60 year old man.

Look at the home he grew up in. He thinks our abuse is love and he loves being here for it.

Is knickers still around? Can't recall seeing him post something in a while.

Ain't gonna' see him nomo.

He's around.

what's he saying, Robin?

he was off and on for awhile but he had what seemed like a heavy relapse into alcoholism and he kind of faded away

Oh. God be with him, no bs.

Gord prease.

Mods did it

They do fit the MO of being complete faggots

That was my reasoning

Give the dog a bone

Hey ho hey ho brother Joe is not a mo

Still less embarrassing than the "gold" and "please will you be my girlfriend" posts when that middle aged whore turned up for a day.

"oh yeah, let's see a picture of you..."

Fuck off lady, take that indignant look with you.

lets be honest though, if she posted a pic of her arse or even a bra pic... mm..m. i'll finish this comment later, skater.

A nice huggy handjob and then she could help with homework. She keeps the glasses on too.

The only remarkable thing is that anyone think gold means anything at all.

It doesn't, so who gives a shit either way. Why would you even have an opinion about it. Dumb fag.

It's the same as giving beggars people money. Pointless and holds up the left turn lane.

You can do things with money. All wars are fought over money. It's the biggest influencer in human history. Boy you're really bad at analogies.

Here's an analogy; Go fuck your mother.

It means something. It means you spent real money for a little picture on a website.

When you're given gold, you get a gold to give away. I know this because Danny the faggot gave me gold one time. After I got it, I didn't give it to anyone despite the fact that the option was there in every post you read. I let his faggot jew gold sit there and run out (that's what happens after a month). Anyway no, it doesn't mean any real money was spent.

When you receive a gold you get one silver to give away.

Joe's huge-hearted openness lends himself to embarrassment but doesn't stand in between him and his naive ideals

Look at this mad faggot

Joe Cumia served his country in the 79th air brigade for 3 weeks until he was dishonorably discharged. I'll be damned if you keep badmouthing a veteran!

"oh yeah, let's see a picture of you..."

Fuck off lady, take that indignant look with you.

Oh. God be with him, no bs.