Joe is just a big loveable teddy bear who said nigger on Twitter a few times.

24  2019-04-08 by ants_ccw_permit

Give him a break. He seems like a cool dude. I'd like to sit down for a beer with him and hear him say nigger.


Why do you think your hatred of fat people is more righteous than Joe’s hatred of the negro?

I ❤ fat people. Some of my best friends are fat.

You just like fat people cause you look super skinny next to them.

She'll never forgive fat white women for stealing her baby-daddy away.

Dave Landau is her baby daddy?

Especially fat girls like Elizabeth Clarke

It would be interesting to hear his take on that mocha colored bocce ball you have implanted in your abdomen.


Personally I find such language reprehensible, the sort of thing a nigger would do.

Perhaps he could buy you some Starbucks.

...Maybe kiss you?

I started nigger a lot but only because I was told never to say it as a child and now I'm a drunk manchild and it makes me laugh. But I never say it to or about black people because dat's mean and also I'm only a pretend racist.

I've looked at Joe's entire twitter feed, and i don't see the word "Nigger" used once.

So so so so so youre saying you need to explicitly say “nigger” to be racist??

But is he a pedophile?

Shut the fuck up

I’ve never said or posted anything more racially insensitive than anyone else has posted on this sub. (Wink)

The only difference is your total anonymity.

But don’t you think that if I were a true White Supremacist, I would’ve just said fuck it all and embraced the entire ideology? A few of you wanted me to be racist, so you made it look like I was. I’ll go through every tweet, tell you which were real, which were total fabrication and which were taken out of context and exactly how they were taken out of context.

Your tweets are archived, shit for brains. I can't wait for Layla to be BLACKED.

Preferably BlackedRaw.

Ghetto gaggers

He doesnt care about his daughter. If he did his exwife wouldnt be writing blogs about him being a piece of shit

What's ironic about your racism is that you are Italian which makes you worse than any race on the planet. Your violent brother and your retarded ass proves that point.

Ironic? Right... Your last comment wasn’t very racist.

Italians aren't human

You're a savage subhuman

U/IntlectualHomosexual response?

Something tells me he will ignore this. He's such a pussy when it comes down to it.

Fuck off, spaghetti nigger

So yet again you have outfoxed yourself and admitted to posting incredibly racist shit on Twitter. No one thinks you're a white supremacist because you aren't white. Just a horribly confused, run of the mill racist dope.

...Maybe kiss you?