Violet Beauregarde

49  2019-04-08 by BradyStoneheart


This is Bus

Veruca Doctor-Said-To-Cut-Down-On-The-Salt


ooohh...beautiful. She is just a fat girl trapped in morbidly obese girls body.

She is a little meatball squished inside a big ball of fried cheese. With ranch dressing.

It’s the grimace

Fat pig.

Her shit comes out like a sheet of paper

Is this the Magic School Bus reboot

Can't wait for her heart to give up.

Hello, Plus Size Emporium? I need a size 800 dress that will cover up as much arm flab as possible.

I think that's called a bed sheet.

Georgia Tent and Awning Company.

Nice tent, stupid.

new Godzilla trailer?

how does it live

They spend most of their time in the water, despite their mammoth weight and girth on land hippos are extraordinary swimmers.


Oh, I don’t think this woman is living a healthy lifestyle.

I can't get my head around people getting this big. How do all the organs work?

The beautiful thing about humans is this incredible machine called your physical body. It's truly one of the most resilient organisms in the natural world.

The thing you have to remember is that this weight was a gradual accomplishment for her. It wasn't like she went from 150 to 350 overnight. It's unfortunate but a testament to our survival ability that the human body works best when under attack or stress. This women's body has been at war with itself for almost four decades, it's gotten use to operating with terrible losses.

It's not how are the organs working, it's they are still working. Yes, very poorly but they will continue to work for a long, long time.

Another beautiful thing is that we live in a world where technology allows people like this to live very comfortably. If she stays in a bed all day eating or going "yaaas gurl" on the internet, there's no reason why it couldn't continue into her 50s.

The only time this becomes a problem is when she decides she wants to breed or if she needs mobility to survive some sort of natural or unnatural disaster.

The breeding, well men will fuck anything, it's in our nature. I don't think any fat people survive the zombie apocalypse.

How do all the organs work?


They each scream for snacks at all times

Nice tarp, stupid

Imagine looking at yourself at that size in the mirror and convincing yourself that you're beautiful. At her weight, she's gotta be eating like 5k calories a day

P'haps more than that

Nice fat-induced diabetes and mid-40s death, stupid.

Mama Casserole

Land ho

That is one big brave bitch. Holy fuck. Get on a fucking treadmill if you are so goddamn brave. Fucking slob.

Sideshow Fat Woman. She's disgusting.

I was going to say she looks like John Candy in a dress, but John actually looked better in one.