Streetshitter's new movie looks shitty

16  2019-04-08 by crookedmile


Hard boiled cop meets an effeminate hipster and madness ensues! We've got a summer hit folks.

Turner and Poof

Pajeet of the Night

Hill Street Poos

Fecal Weapon

21 Dump Streer

Fecal weapon got me to giggle like a faggot, but 21 dump street got a niggas ribs hurtin

Guys you just don't get it: he has the same exact haircut and wardrobe in every movie. Get it? He's a hack.

Is that Dopinder?

The story line is going to get so fucking convoluted when he pulls over to take a nice sloppy street deuce every 8 minutes.

Stuber? STUBER?

I don’t dislike him because he’s Indian, I dislike him because he’s a smelly faggot. Don’t be racist OP.

He's a Paki. Get your street shitters right.

This looks great for people who thought the plot of Taxi was too hard to follow.

Kumail is Pakistani...