You want more material? I want positive Karma. Lots of it. Until then, Your Moms Box!

340  2019-04-07 by IntlectualHomosexual


Who are you?

Some leech faggot

Shut up, shithead

Thank you for confirming, I thought it was some waterhead fake- ended up you are even more stupid than we thought you were.

Fuck your karma.

Your Mom's box has worms

Hahaha holeeee shiiit (2 slaps on desk) oh ( and 2 on a 9 year old's ass)

Nice weathered skin stupid

Hey Joe, how's the kid spit treating you?

What ounce frying pan do you suggest for a lippy wife?

A regular 12" frying pan isn’t aerodynamic enough to swing at the cunts head, a small 8" cast iron skillet would be my recommendation.

At least our families aren't so shit that we aren't embarrassed to be on this sub around them.

Hey Joe, it's bick bickerson. Just wanna say I hope you didn't take any of these comments seriously and you're actually a cool guy.

You’re life choices will keep your presence alive here, don’t sweat it.

why dont you stop being a leech, then we will think about it

Haha these would be my only terms. Joe, if you work at Safeway, 7-11 or anything really and use the money (on top of your allowance) to help send your daughter to college after a year of this I will personally come to your door in order to apologize over a cup of Starbucks coffee, my treat.

I would vehicularly manslaughter my first born if he did that.

Joe if it makes you feel better, you’ll never be anywhere near as big a fag as Patrick Tomlinson.

You think Patrick is bigger than 6'1"?

You're 60. Get a life.

Yes, I am 60...I'm $60,000 richer every year! Jealous, libtards? - Bovine Joe

Got eem

Joe has Reddit premium. Pulling in the righteous bucks.


Holy shit, that means the post about you hating Patrick more than us and trying to reach out to him was real hahaha. PLEASE POST THE CONVO.

For fucks sake, post that shit and reap some real karma bitch

Do the right thing at this moment in time. Upvote this post.

I've done plenty already

Joe hates Patrick because of the attention Patrick is getting from the sub. This subreddit is the only place where Joe holds any relevance and in the last few weeks he has been completely eclipsed by the hateboner for Patrick. Is it any coincidence that he started ramping up the u/IntlectualHomosexual at the exact same moment Patrick started getting all the attention? If not for his recent major spergfests, Joe would have been forgotten about.

When he "reached out" to Patrick, Joe was probably just trying to catch some heat from the sub by associating with the current target. By spurning Joe, though, Patrick denied him the attention he craved. The only way to steal the limelight back was by dialing the retardation up to eleven. It all makes.

The crazy thing is that even when Joe is redlining his stupidity he is like a candle next to a hydrogen bomb. And that is baseline stupidity for Pat. Imagine how stupid he would be if he was really trying.

write more words. nice try wit da hate tho

war hero joe rules

It all makes.

That is if Joe even reached out to him at all. I think he’s loying.

Brother Joe part 3 unfolding before our eyes

His 3rd fat

Beige, I respect you and would actually like you to fuck my bitch. With that said, Fatty Pig Patty telling bro Joe that they are natural enemies, when Joe reached out to him, is one of the funniest fuckin things I've ever heard

we are born enemies

truly riding alone in this world

where did he say this? i'm out of the loop on this would. links appreciated

Look at Joes post history, look at his submitted threads, go to I think number 3 or 4 (the one with about 500 comments). He was asked about Fatty and told us about his attempt to form an alliance. If he deleted it im positive someone has it saved. It was a classic.

i went through and wasn't able to find it. there's one thread with 288 posts at time of writing, i guess he deleted it?

Wait when did Joe reach out to patrick? I missed this meeting of the minds.

The Patrick Tomlinson obsessed people are Cumia fans or Cumia ballwashers trying to deflect attention from the pedo tranny fucker and his bovine faced leech of a brother.

They are like Porsalin who is a Cumia fanboy and made those docs to deflect attention off of his boy Tony Kid Toucher.

Hosp, shut your dumb lisping mouth.

You’re growing on me Joe.

like a genital wart?

Same here

You're a wishy-washy faggot.

It's his huge-hearted openness that does it for me


Yknow I went through your profile and upvoted every post and comment you made, for some reason reddit didn’t register that, sucks man :(

I just gave you some upvotes.

Where is your podcast? What happened with that? Are you going to do it or not?

him starting up a podcast again would be more entertaining than anything cumpound media has put out in years

What did I do now?

Molested a series of children, most likely

No, that would require effort.

I hope your Karma is delivered by a loaded cement truck after its brake lines burst

And then a shotgun with a toe trigger attachment goes off in his mouth, man wouldn’t that be a mess!

Then he slips and drowns in a puddle of Aids with a noose and a toe trigger.

The noose, puddle, and cement truck all have toe trigger attachments.

I didn't realize that was standard from the dealership, I thought you had to pay extra.

It all comes with the premium package

I can't afford that on my Panera salary.

Have you heard about the health plan? You pay 98% of it but then the insurance pays the rest.

Or you can run your hand across the slicer and go out on disability.

Joe rules. You guys just got pwned.

"Thank" you "for" your buffoonery

-98 now, the tide is turning

i'm still not convinced, why is he reading it like a hostage in the sights of an ak47?

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You only YMB when you're leaving forever. Whatta maroon.

0 effect on their lives btw

Zero. Except that time he was standing in a court room directly as a result of this sub

"I really didn't want to bring up reddit your honor"

We've done nothing but give him a problem

"That sounds a little far-fetched..."

Dressed in a $20 jacket, $5 wal mart tennis shoes, and a sons of tranarchy shirt

he was wearing a shitty airborne shirt to show he was a veteran.

Denying that he was a pedophile was entirely his idea, nobody here had accused him of such crimes. He must have felt overwhelmed by guilt standing in a courtroom.

On national television even. Fucking white trash wop faggot.

Btw Joe, by confirming this account you just admitted to Ant’s child grooming ways.

Just cos you deleted the comments doesn’t mean they can’t be viewed.

You dun goofed.

He also admitted to not paying his bandmates when a gig gets canceled. Instead keeping all the money for himself. Dumbass somehow expected us to feel bad about his band fags getting screwed over by him.

Someone needs to contact them and let them know Joes been grifting them.

I can’t STAND this mf


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What a fucking moron.

war hero joe. youre an inspiration to us all. a father and a man of god. keep rockin you legend. keep rockin

Did you know that Ope eats baby shit?

I don't know if that's true, but I've read that a guy said it's true. And that's good enough for me.

he not only eats it, he coats himself in child feces. he then grabs a handful said feces and masturbates violently


i still don't think its him

This was spliced together from old Blacksploitation movies.

The shallowest Deep Fake ever

Why do you take so many selfies?

Cuz he's a faggot!

Got so excited you had to ask two questions?

Tony Two Queries

Oh what in the fuck I can't dislike the dude

of course, who else could be this perfectly retarded.


gbye, homo

I'm still not buying this. Why is he reading a script like a bovine hostage in the sights of an AK? My guess is someone heard the interview with him where he asked for a user to infiltrate the sub and this is their cunning plan.

Fucking faggot, we don't need you here. Fuck back off to Faceberg and keep letting him sell your awful pictures to China.

Joe's sat down, no wonder it's raining.

Reminiscent of the Bin Laden tape. Not gonna lie fam, I got chills.

Hopefully his next video is like the Budd Dwyer tape.

Hey Joe, can you have Carol Maxheimer make a video for us? We're huge fans of your better half

I'll fax her $20 if she does a Colin Fagerty impression.

You owe her 20 bucks multiplied by however many photos we have of her

She'll describe her rectum as a chocolate hellhole.

I just want to take this precious time to let you know how proud I am of you, and congratulate you, for losing those 25lbs. Very commendable. Also, quitting cocaine cold turkey is quite the achievement. I don’t know how you do it.

Looks like he quit the cocaine and doubled down on the cheeseburgers.

I can't believe some of you fucking dummies are being suckered in by this dumb asshole. He's already finding ways to leech. Probing for ways to get his foot in the door. "Give me karma and I'll stay" is just the start with this pathological leech. He's trying to make us his new benefactor. Anthony must be on the verge of bankruptcy and/or death because this is clearly some sort of idiot's trial balloon for more stupidity.

Next thing you know he's gonna be doing that podcast with a Patreon for idiots to donate to. Don't fall for this child spit drenched retard's nonsense. Smarten up.

As long as he's not making a cartoon my money is safe

Joe, you know Anthony is a pedophile right? No bs you have a daughter yourself - if anybody else acted like Ant you'd write a 5000 word manifesto about them but because it's your brother and he gives you an allowance you look the other way.

Joe, you know Anthony is a pedophile right? No bs you have a daughter yourself - if anybody else acted like Ant you'd write a 5000 word manifesto about them but because it's your brother and he gives you an allowance you look the other way.

I'm glad this double posted.

Nobody like a pedos

For a guy who hates redditards so much, you really love karma whoring. fag.

His facial hair grows quickly Must be because he is so tall

That's a potato I'm not gonna peel, Sarge

You're Anthony's brother. Does anyone have anything to say to him?

He's Ant's brother and we're not! He wins, we lose!

Then let me see your military service record as promised you dishonorably discharged potato peeling potato head.

This sounds like an insult the Great Oz would hurl at Joe.

I don't negotiate with niggers.

Good on you! Fuck sams_seed

Shut up Anth, before I expose you like your fat brother and take away your acumia account.

Being this retarded to think I'm actually Anthony

What is this, 4chan?

The joke is on you Joseph! My mom doesn’t have a box...


We don't know how to quit him

I have awoken with fresh eyes. Fuck this cow-eyed dolt.

Appealing to us autists might work on some but I remain steadfast in wanting this cannoli ape to fall further into obscurity.

This sub is amazing

Fuck this bum nigger

Joseph you’ve finally embraced your fate. Welcome.

Seriously, how funny would it be if we all started to love Joe and made Anthony insanely jealous?

Just when he thought he couldn't become more obscure.

No. No. This feels like a heel turn. I'm not ready for a Brother Joe redemption arc.

To the people giving Joe karma points: you are a bunch of pussies!!! I don’t even hate joe and I refuse to give him karma points because I am loyal to my fellow autists in this sub.

So so so so so he puts a video up, you guys now wanna lick is yam bag? Eye rolllllllllll

We are only giving him karma because the more he posts, the more we know he is seeing the insults we are laying into him. He is not getting karma because we like him, just roll with the bit.

I appreciate the explanation sweetheart xoxo

Me and you should run a train on Layla once she turns 18, because we are not pedophiles like the Kumia Klux Klan.

I agree with you 99% but this is an actual thing happening after weeks of almost nothing.

I gave you this while you all denied me. Fuck y'all

who gives a shit about karma? It's not like it's money. I hope the 2 fags who gave him gold are unwillingly forced into sex by black gentlemen, however.

I'm with you. I'll ride this bitch til the hooves fall off

Dis nigga fo really, realz?!??

We don't use Ebonics, faggot.

Sir, I am trying to have a dialogue with a Sicilian/Negro ape-man in a word-speak it can comprehend. Thank you.

You are mind bendingly stupid. I believed it was you the whole time, because that level of retardation isn’t easy to convincingly fake.

See ya in a few days, idiot.

I completely thought it was him when he was arguing about Anthony's child grooming. Then it just got way too retarded and I thought, nah. But now I know that Now Cumia is fully capable of going full retard.

I told all you fuckers it was him and that I'd soon be proven correct.

Who wants to kiss my feet first?

I want to cut your feet off with a hacksaw

I’m 6’1”.... So Even If you did, I’d still be 5’9” and judging by your Chineeee name, I’d still tower over you. I understand your reasons. Ah-so!

Joe Cumia would have no problem with a 50 year old buying his daughter gifts expressly to fuck her when she turned 18

I wasn't talking to you, you stupid wop. But since you want to get into it, yes, you're 6' 1". You're a 6 foot stack of shit who beat his wife and regularly endangers the lives of his own children by making childish, totally pointless videos while behind the wheel. Your addict, pedophile brother will forever overshadow you despite being a complete failure in his so-called "golden years". I'm 20 and you're in your 60s, and you're over 220 pounds. Who do you think is going to be in the ground first, you pathetic little man? Fuck you, Joe.

I hope they play Gonna 'lectric Shock OJ as the casket is lowered.

Wanna fight Wong?

You're a really tough guy over the Internet, tubby

tarbaby faggot^

Yeah your still a faggot though

Joe has to be an Andy Kaufman level genius to understand how funny it is that "intellectual" is spelt incorrectly in his username and that his first post was trying to expose us on /r/HateSubsInAction

There's no way it's Joe, he's too genuinely funny.

faggot cyborg die

Dumbass, I know how to spell the word. Try registering the name u/IntellectualHomosexual I did.. it didn’t work. Reason: It’s ONE CHARACTER TOO MANY. It was intentional stupid.

You couldn't have just gone with SmartAssFag?

you can't even spell U2 either.

Why didn’t you just name yourself u/smartfaggot

Because he's a Dumb faggot

If only there was a shorter word for "homosexual".

I made a post about you calling it out days before all this came to light. I never doubted you. Youre a good faggot imo.

This is the best fucking timeline

I concur, faggot.

Hey Joe, I've never contacted a venue or promoter to get you fired, but you deserve it each and every time, you fucking piece of shit.

This guy gets it

Brother Joe rides again...again.

Yeah, but this time? It's personal.

An he's all outa fucks.

Isn’t that opies thing

If this sub just supported Joe and Opie ...holy shit lock up Anthony’s guns and the worm and Sam would lose their shit

So so so so so so so so so so you're saying begging for internet points makes me a fag?

We all know that you're a leech off of your brother, but at least you never conned $60k from truck drivers.

Never conned $60,000?! This stupid nigger nosed big Apple ranch walking toilet faggot conned $60,000 a year from Ant for over a decade! Not so much anymore, eh, Bovine Joey?

Ant was a willing participant, no sympathy for him. All those truck drivers wanted were some fucking cartoons haha

What those truckers wanted was the unexpected ubruptness of Chip from O&A not a heap of pre scripted dog shit written by Jim's Ex gf that blew him literally once. And Ant was held hostage to a childhood promise by Bovine Joe's endless guilt trips and pouting that Ant has mentioned before on O&A. There's also plenty of poker table videos where retard nigger nose Joe has a frown on his faggot face because he is losing free money he extorted from Ant.

What is reddit “ka-karma”?

Stuttering idiot.

Hi I'm only 16 years old and I don't understand the world wide web like you do, but anyway, a dark skinned gentleman plief his trade upon my mother and I was hoping you might help me shame that ne'er-do-well. Please send me a telegram if you are willing to join my posse.

Shut up fatso

I told you faggots it was him.

This is his last trick up his sleeve, his almost done for. We should double down on cancelling his gigs and finish this leech

Why do you care about reddit karma, Joe?

Pin this shit nigger mods

He's 6foot 1inch. Those are two different measurements

I fucking love Joe cumia

Nice to see him rocking his white goatee again.

How'd it figure it out. Odds game.

Joe's PR guy is killing it right now!

Fuck you Joe.

Fast forward to April of 2020: Joe is headlining Madison Square Garden because this sub made 2U bigger than U2.

He's gonna kick us through the barbershop window any minute now

Poor little mug lost his smile

We don't negotiate with terrorists

Hi Joe. Can you play some Zevon?

u/PleaseHelpRae whose the fucking moron now, dummy?

You were the one begging him to post proof, idiot. He's here now so why don't you go work his shaft, gay boy.

I was such a moron asking him for proof despite him providing proof?

That's your angle? Take the L champ

"Oh please Mr Cumia, please prove its you! I'll do anything, PLEASE!" Queer.

Please guys, don't fight online. Set up a time and place and let's make the news once more

Now I'm not sure who's dumber, Joe or the retards here 100% convinced it was a fake account. Just kidding, it's always Joe.

The fact members of this sub have Reddit money or whatever the fuck you need to give other strangers metals is disheartening

"I'm gonna pay money to a website that exists soley as a marketing research/advertising firm."

Which nigger gave money for this?

Hey bologna tits, just wanted to say hi and to let you know that your old wrinkled face makes you look like a shriveled up raisin

His sad, beaten-down eyes have made my entire week

Hey Joe I'm a 6'2 father of two actual children. Do you think I'd have a chance with Milla Jovovitch?

A freakish height no woman would find attractive. 6'1 or go fuck your mother!

Holy shit it was really him?!?! Lol Joe is fucking retarded telling me to shit on his chest. What a boob; I love it.

Carol is knowingly with a wife beater and she/her grandchildren will never be safe. Imagine what this monster is capable of once he's got a few Jamesons in him

What is David Duke like in person? Is he nice?

Big fan of yours, Joe. I enjoyed your People's Court appearance most.


I'll accept this heel turn. Can't be any worse than Danny's was, with his conniving heeb ways.

He looks like he's reading a script

This is a pro Joe sub now. You heard it here first

I quit.

That was actually him? Hahahahahaha. That fucking account was up all night, every weeknight. What an unbelievable loser.

That is one ugly nigger

A real life celebrity posting on my little sub? Today's a great day!

What is David Duke like in person? Is he as nice as people say?

oh thank you so much joe cumia

This cunt needs us more than we need him. He'll be back doing dumb shit in no time, it's what the Cumias do.

That cheap Guido faux leather couch really enhances his soulless sunken eyes. Nice touch kid spit drinker!

wtf i love joe now

does joe do a 180 redemption arc like opie? i hope so

you can encourage him with these sort of comments but that can never come true.

I don't upvote the gays

If you post this on Facebook then I’ll believe it... otherwise still not buying it.

Holy shit it wasn't a bit? I guess I should eat my hat or my shoe or something. Hi Joe! You have man tits and no one is intimidated by you. Good luck on your karma quest you highschool girl you.


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Upvote this man!

Joe, your mommy was a pudding head.

Wanst he bragging about learning CTRL ALT DLT a lil bit ago.

can't believe that fucking worked too...

What a weird old man. Imagine giving a shit about karma.

America has zero entertaining sports.

It’s a bit. Stupid.

Get a life fat faggot.

There’s supposed to be a comma there instead of a period, stupid

It looked like could’ve been misconstrued as “it’s a (little) bit stupid” with a comma. A period just felt more definite. Dummy.

Your daughter is going to fuck hundreds of black men and Carol is uglier than holy hell.

Joe I seriously love you man. Stop doing this. The sub will find someone else to pick on if you stop being a fucking lolcow responding to every random troll.

Post the pat logs

Don't worry, nobody would ever mistake you for being only a little bit stupid.

If you're not the real Joe you're hilarious. If you are, you're a dumb faggot.

Just when I think there’s nothing left from this sub, stuff like this happens that keeps me interested.

Did Anthony ever sleep with Artie?

Who gave this gold? Why? Fucking gremlin.

When Joe said he wants positive karma he meant it for his alt account u/ichise8

You're stupid.

What the fuck does your mom's box mean?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck ... then it's a nigger.

Of course it was Joe.

Go back to the big apple ranch you fucking cow you arent getting shit from me you attention seeking bovine

That's awesome. Nice one from the big lug.

Cow eyed ass nigga

Is this a troll account :/ ?

Salute to a real one

I really want to understand what this old queen thinks he's accomplishing by doing this

I don't think he does either.

Pwning libtards, and proving the sub has no effect on his life.

Heeey salut Joe, don't take no shit off no one

Now the night bore down upon us all
You could hear the crickets in the thickets call
And guns did flare and the guns did bawl
And I planted my bolo knife in the neck Of mad John Finn.
I took his wretched life
Now I'm over near the bandstand
Every hand moving on John Finns' wife
Every hand moving on John Finns' wife
And John Finns' wife Took all the flowers down...
From her hair
And threw them on the ground

I'm so confused.

I'm sorry I ever doubted his need for attention and utter stupidity.

I dont mean to be a stick in the mud but there are subreddits for gaining positive karma. Cam whores and bots use them all the time so the CAPTCHA disappears.

Joe can't get enough of us. In fact, I think he wants to fuck all of us.

This is a deepfake. The real Joe Cumia doesn't have facial hair anymore.

I put respek on joe cumias name

Why would you faggots upvote this nigger?

For fucks sake, post that shit and reap some real karma bitch

Do the right thing at this moment in time. Upvote this post.

Joe hates Patrick because of the attention Patrick is getting from the sub. This subreddit is the only place where Joe holds any relevance and in the last few weeks he has been completely eclipsed by the hateboner for Patrick. Is it any coincidence that he started ramping up the u/IntlectualHomosexual at the exact same moment Patrick started getting all the attention? If not for his recent major spergfests, Joe would have been forgotten about.

When he "reached out" to Patrick, Joe was probably just trying to catch some heat from the sub by associating with the current target. By spurning Joe, though, Patrick denied him the attention he craved. The only way to steal the limelight back was by dialing the retardation up to eleven. It all makes.

The crazy thing is that even when Joe is redlining his stupidity he is like a candle next to a hydrogen bomb. And that is baseline stupidity for Pat. Imagine how stupid he would be if he was really trying.

Some leech faggot

I completely thought it was him when he was arguing about Anthony's child grooming. Then it just got way too retarded and I thought, nah. But now I know that Now Cumia is fully capable of going full retard.