Yngwie Holstein

39  2019-04-07 by ellencakehorn


He wears that “Never Forget” wristband to remind himself to ask Nana for more money. Slow Joe isn’t bright enough to use them fancy calendars and sheeit.

Where does one even begin to find a shirt like that? I'd like to think he had it custom made because no one had thought to make such a dumb fucking shirt.

Fucking great title, that's the thinking-man's Joe insult.

Joe Fatriani

Eddie Ham Halen

John Mayo

Frampton Cum Saliva

Frank Crappa

Spittle Richard

John Lee Hocker

Skeevy Ray Vaughn

Tony Youommi

Tony bigapplepine

Ritchie Fagmore

Neil Old

Scumbag Darrell

Bo Diddler

John spitucci

Gay-ce Frehley

Steve Pai

Rusty Trombone Cooley

Kurt Nobrain.

Cum Bucket Head

He really loves that stupid shirt with the fake chains.

Today Jimmy needed an example of a hard to spell name and went with Yngwie. He definitely reads this sub.

Scumbag Darrell