Delusions of creative grandeur, untalented, retarded one-dimensional political views, failed husband, fat, gay.

10  2019-04-07 by McGowan9

I could be talking about either Patso or Jobless Joe, right, group!


Has Patrick ever hit anyone with a frying pan?

I don't know but his moon face looks like it might have taken a griddle pan or two

He would never sully a frying pan with non-cooking use. He is very serious about his saw-sitches.

I'm sure he dispatched one of his kidnapped child victims with a frying pan, simple law of averages says so.

or every member of this sub

You wish, child.

I'll have you know I actually have quite a sophisticated understanding of politics

No, child, I make 6 figures, tower over celebrities at a wopping 6 feet, and self publish all my Bubble Guppy fan fiction. Nice try with the hate, though.