"It would be like trying to get "Blazing Saddles" green lighted." - Joe Cumia

18  2019-04-07 by crookedmile


Joe is so fucking retarded that it's almost unreal.

He's no college principal, that's for damn sure

I could SO be a collage principle, LIBTARD!!!

I'll have you know, Joe is the principle collagist at the East long island retards home

Joey “The Kid-spit”Cumia is a n...’🔔!

What? You said he's near? Hide the children!

It's so cute seeing sixth grade dropouts' describe college.

"Principal of the college"


"The sheriff is a Joe Cumia!"

I hate to be the guy that points out the flaws in Joe Cumia’s logic.

But isnt “I feel pretty” the same hackney premise with brain damage instead of a potion?

And Grizzly Adams had a beard too

It'd be like landing Neil Armstrong on the moon, dammit.

Those Cumia brothers sure are perceptive students of pop culture. Stay tuned for an in depth analysis on how sitcoms from the ‘70s have jokes you couldn’t air now!

pardon me while I whip this out 🎸🈵

It's a genuine Gipson Les Pall guys,

genuine. I don't get fooled by slanties

Intellectual Joe, pontificating about modern popular culture while wearing a pit-stained sleeveless Sons Of Anarchy sweatshirt. Your youth is finished, Joe, and it's never coming back.

principal of the college

Oh, Joe.

Excuse me while I whip this frying pan at my wife's face

The fat shaming is supposed to make the audience sympathize with the black man. Joe doesn’t understand the basics of storytelling. Can you imagine the feedback he would give at test screenings?

Joe thought it was a hard-hitting social commentary drama.

Joe sees that Pat Tomlinson stupidity spree going on here and he knows he's not one to be outdone.

Principal of the college oh my god he is so fucking dumb lmao


I think the word is “greenlit”, Joe

All I'm reading is "I really love Eddie Murphy and Dave Chapelle's work".

He's right that it's ironic, but not in the way he thinks.

"You know, if your brother keeps drinking like that and doesn't have anything to eat besides Xanax, he's gonna die!"
