Rich Vos killing at the 2019 Patrice O'Neal benefit

60  2019-04-07 by Feetntits


Do the Heeby-Heeb!

I once schchmoked freebaschche in a Burger King bathroom...

Is that the dude from Nothing But Trouble?


Dan Akroyd really seemed to like them

Everyone should read the lyrics to Humpty Dance in Vos's voice. It's too perfect for me to just cut a snippet and do a lame text impression of.

He’ll eat up all your crackers and your licorice Hey yo bob kelly, come here-are ya ticklish?

The Humpty Danchth

Hey yo Bonnie, c’mere, are ya ticklish?

i thought for a second that's Chip

Did the humpty dance dude really have no nose or was that made up?

Shock G was smart enough to wear a disguise and people legitimately thought he was two different people. Oddly you'd never see them on stage at the same time.

Alright ssshhhhtop whatchhha doin I'm about to ruin The image & sssssdhhhhtyle that ya ussssed to

I once sucked dick for crack In a burger king bathroom

I wonder if his blaccent comes back for these.

I want to like vos, I really do, but his voice is so gross I can’t stand it

Thatssch part of the cscharm, okay? Looschsen up.

Vosh is an innoshent byshtander in all thish