Pedophile support programs challenge community hatred

105  2019-04-07 by crookedmile


There's nobody in that group that will live past 50.

I want to be in that group

Cigarettes and vodka, the combined risk of throat cancer gets multiplied - it’s.

Or fuck older than 5.

The only thing six figures in that picture is cholesterol.

yuk yuk yuk

He really is bizarro Joe - this is his version of the compound crew.

Perhaps there's just a ton of people in this country who are loser bums

Perhaps more than that.

Big Autistic on the left weighs at least half

in weight thats like two people

Number of divorces: 10 Indecency towards minor offences: 8 Hospitalizations for cardiac events: 12 Second-rate muscle car, minimum mileage: 80,000 Retarded members: 1

I'd say this set has an advantage. And further I conjecture that Pat is their Bobo.

About that debt he can probably settle it by making a carton of Crush Gater

Number of minority friends: 0

Only someone who’s never met or cared about people in different communities would think the things that he thinks. I’m not saying this of all leftists, but certainly the ones like him. Hypocrites who think they have to “protect” minorities with their paternalistic grace because they are ill-equipped to live their own lives. He’s a piece of fucking shit. Blacks are pets to him, and women, too. This is why he thinks he needs to “escort” people into and out of conventions when no one is there to hurt anyone, because he wants to fantasize that he is some kind of savior for helpless poor defenseless gays, blacks and women. Stupid fucking asshole. Oh, and I almost forgot: he’s fat and a bad writer.

Fuck this one got me good, bravo.

You know what? To be fair, there is more racial diversity in the compound photos. This fucking hypocrite.

Is fatso patso ever not drinking? Jesus christ.

Bud Light seems to be the preferred beer by pederasts across this great nation.

Can confirm. Accidentally attended a meeting, thought it was Al-Anon

It's also hilarious to think that every single post and photoshop made about Fat Pat is viewed by him and stored in a harddrive (and may someday, God willing, be shown to a team of Milwaukee lawyers) because he thinks he's going to take legal action against us all.

And you know at least one of them will think it's hilarious and start posting here

Nice lack of definition in your bitch arms, stupid.

Is that Louis at the back?

"Having sex with a 12-year-old boy is never acceptable ... unless you want to have an orgasm up his heinie!" (audience laughter and light applause)

"A nigger child fell asleep von the forklift"

How long did I wait after 911 until I masturbated? About five minutes after seeing this photo!

Damn that's a wild photo.

I’d be stoked if Pat was in the building.

It's like that table of hayseed homo firemen when Vito goes on the lam

I wonder why the Qumia brothers missed this one

Ant took the picture.

u/GunClubVRMod on the left

I'm in shape, chink.

Your fat fingers must be quivering with anger while you type


I have a hunch he is addicted to opiates

Ive seen his eyes pretty pinned in a few photos. You may be on to something here.

nazis think they can scare us into the shadows for something we cannot change about ourselves. Not anymore, child

He’s such a bloated fat sloppy mess

Orange fat guts on the left wearing his court-ordered "child predator" warning lanyard

What a diverse group of friends he has!

That feeling when you are the thinnest one there.

These are his people and yet he constantly complains about white men online.

i can almost hear the horrible attempts at charm they gave to the poor waitress. one of them probably spoke in klingon or that game of thrones language shite

So he only hangs out with middle-aged white men while complaining constantly about middle-aged white men. Seriously, not one different face in the group. And look at his tits. He’s getting tits.

None of those men have seen their penis in the last 3 years.

They make up for it by saying plenty of others’.

The guy in orange looks like patso after a cheeseburger and a plain salad, probably his brotherpat