Retarded man with autism can barely keep it together after finally meeting his hero.

37  2019-04-07 by Antlovessue


I really don't get why people become so mentally disabled over who the president is. The black one fucking broke Anthony and the orange one has leftists like fat pat into an insane frothing rage.

People still stupidly believe that the President will change things while Congress has been ruining the country for decades

Both sides pretend like there isn't a system of checks and balances in place, because it's fun to melt down over one guy I guess.

The media tells people that the country isn't run by seven mole Jews in a bunker.


He definitely had sex with that lizard

He's like if anyone on this sub met Opie or Ant or Norton. You'd blubber and gush.

Patty isn't going to like this one at all, children.

What would Robert Mewler say about this?

what a worthless fat fucking dunderhead slob and another holding a book