If that's true then it's the only fans you will ever have, faggot.

57  2019-04-07 by donkeybongers


You can really tell they're writers due to the level of witty badinage below.

Good logic, stupid. Not a single person here has read your books.


I do just assume now that liz clarke is his sockpuppet.

I think she's probably a real person. I also think Fatrick is too obtuse to realise she's in love with him.

The enormous bitch is seemingly the only person willing to die on this hill with him and has probably been waiting for and dreaming about a "me and Pat against the world" type scenario for a while.

Finally she's got it but it's not what she hoped for. It's all 600 pounds of both of them vs a disorganised but dedicated group of mean-spirited autistic shitposters of various ages, backgrounds, nationalities, political persuasions and races; with nothing in common except a liking for making hurtful remarks about strangers.

She hoped they'd join together to take on some imagined army of rednecks wearing MAGA hats directed by a consortium of guys who looked like the man from the Quakers Oats box. Instead she got the United Colors of Bennington.

It's one or the other, but all the circumstances align for the sockpuppet theory too well. I mean, if she's real than she's truly his soulmate. They practically speak as one.

I don't even know which is more pathetic at this point. That this baby headed faggot is talking to himself all day, or that there is a cat piss soaked heifer desperate enough to waste her weekends defending him on the internet.

Imagining this whole thing from Pat's POV is pretty funny.

"I'm out here, on the front line fighting the Nazi's, collecting receipts, all alone! Someday soon people will see... and slowly, one by one, I will gain my revolutionary army of tough and righteous people!"

Elizabeth Clarke liked your post

"See, here they come, I'll be like the next Che!"

checks who Elizabeth Clarke is

"Fuck me, child."

Pure poetry brotha man. Well put

This is probably the best summation of who we are I've ever read.

(Paraphrasing) "You had your account longer and it has more followers; why would you need mine?" is the most ridiculous explanation for not being a sock puppet I have ever read.

“You’re already universally beloved, why would you need an account with my name on it to emphasize that glaringly obvious fact?”

Its hilarious to see how much people are getting to him, it disturbs him deeply and shakes him to the core

Ha Ha, Fatty Pig Patty's fag hag reads our posts.

Why would he need a second account? Ask his cat.

I’m a fan of Doug Stanhope so I have his cd’s, specials, books and have seen him live. I just think it’s funny to make fun of this delusional, fat retard.

The funniest part is he could turn this whole experience into a book, something a lot of people can relate to; dealing with the horrors of being a “public figure” on the Internet. It could be a psychological thriller. Plot: a fledgling sci-fi writer draws the ire of a now defunct radio’s former fan base and how they won’t stop until ze’s completely off social media. Can Author Writeswell stop this group of miscreants before they permanently suspend him or will Author have to the law into zis own hands and show them zis unique brand of social justice ?

But that would involve him stepping out of his comfort zone and doing actual research and most importantly putting real effort into something instead of being a third rate hack who wants to be the social justice answer to Douglas Adams.

She doesn’t see how pathetic her interaction with him is if it seems to others that she might be a Patrick alt? Her being real is more pathetic for her than his making an alt would be for him. Hope, and none of us are going to be tricked into thinking we are your fan just because we like to make fun of you. That’s, that’s just not going to work. Sorry buddy. Cute try I guess, child.

Eh. It’s an interesting idea, though a bit more than derivative. I mean almost that exact plot has been done several times already, and much better. She is a better writer than Patrick, judging from the write up she gave herself. She still terrible though. She actually did the “he’s good at what he did (a little too good)” shit you grow out of in 7th grade. Like I’ve said before, I understand the work and perseverance it takes to write, so it’s really hard for me to hate writers. So good for her. But this doesn’t look very good.

You don’t like her writing, r/CommodorePawsey?

There's a lot of really fun elements to her writing as well. She deals with topics like global warming and the privilege of the wealthy in an entertaining, however, critical way. Unlike Patrick, obvi. I myself consider her to be this subs queen

People should start praising her writing in Patrick's comments while shitting on him. Divide and conquer.

I mean, she actually has talent. I'd hate for this sub to treat her like the Queen that she is and her end up turning on the no-talent, histrionic lard ass, Fatty Pig Patty

bitch blocked me within 2 minutes

"people believe you're the same person? haha that's ridiculous. you're a much better writer"

I'm always staggered by people's sheer inability to understand how this works. If he just ignored it initially it would have fizzled away pretty much straight away. It's really that simple.


yeah but I bet your mom liked it

Nice logic, stupid.

His account being older and having more followers actually supports the contention that yours is an alt. If yours were older than his and had more followers, then you’d have a point.

Nice lack of commas, “writer.”

I know right? Get a load of Coremax McFarty over there.


I am a fan, this piggy little fucker has provided me more amusement than Ant, Jim, or Gregg has given me in years.

What an idiot. I read sci-fi and I had never heard of this alleged author until I saw his name here. Nothing I have seen here has made me want to buy one of his books.

You fat, obnoxious nu-male faggot, you have no fans. You are a massive failure who speaks condescendingly to people to mask your insecurities and general ignorance. Of course you’re a super leftist. Aside from a few anomalies like Joe, faggots always are.

little one

I wanted to follow him on stuff just to keep up with his douchery/for purposes of this sub at least, but he is so fucking hate-able it's just impossible. Joe is kind of a fun follow or at least tolerable, and at least has an earnestness to his stupidity. Fatrick has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and is just insufferable on every conceivable level.