That fake smile you pull when your husband takes you to a fake Hall of fame for one of the dumbest forms of entertainment while you are 7 months pregnant

10  2019-04-07 by Dennyislife


Wrestling is fun to me. I took my girlfriend once and it evened out into a good night.

A bunch of urchins and their mother were occupying our seats but I just flagged down some scary Hawaiian dude and snitched on them and he booted their scowling asses back to their nosebleeds.

It was retardedly loud and I got a headache instantly, but it turned out, we saw something that's legendary now.

It's called The Elijah Burke Trainwreck. Last I thought of it 10 years ago you could find it on YouTube. It was the worst thing I ever saw stage performera do.

Why would you take your sister to see oiled up men pretend to fight?

I thought it might grease the wheels

Poor lady will never know what a orgasm is. I hope she cheats, she deserves to cum.

Oh cool she's gross, I don't feel sorry for her anymore.

She's at least as much of a sociopath as him, I think. Although as a woman she's probably better at cloaking it.

It's like he's trying to be as hideous as possible.

Is he having another kid?

No. She is though.

I thought it might grease the wheels