Roast of Milwaukee: Watch fatso get the crowd on his side after a sex joke, then completely derail immediately afterward

18  2019-04-07 by crookedmile


If Patso gets raped by a pack of niggers it'll be his fault

Provocative DRESS; with his BOOBS sticking out!

Better not be any fucking foreign bodies in there

Very disrespectful.

And that GREEN thing you wore the other day....

I know how to do comedy, child. I've studied the greats. This was a bad audience and I'll take it as a compliment that a room full of nazis booed me.

Solid joke, 7/10. Then here comes to the social commentary on race...with the awkward “hey, how about [this city’s local sports team], huh!?” Why not just ask everyone if they support the troops, stupid.

He’s got the worst posture I’ve ever seen

Jimmy Fatten

Really vulgar and sexual humor. I don't think this guy should be writing children's books

At one point he brags about how Milwaukee is the most segregated city in America and that’s why he lives there and loves it so much. Sick fuck.

His house looks big enough. He should host a black homeless family!

I love the way everyone just resumed their conversations amongst themselves once he started screeching "Racially segregated!!"

God bless Milwaukee.