Sam Roberts and his beard

41  2019-04-07 by 4stepsbackward


He’s doing better than you. Must be infuriating.

Must it?

Have fun watching Cumia on Monday.

I don't understand what you mean. Are you implying I listen regularly to any of that tripe? I've never heard anything at all from Compound Media beyond that childhood leukemia faggot pestering Ron and Ant using actual chemical warfare against a retarded man who thinks they're good friends and would do anything for him.

Please, come to my house and kiss my penis

Sure you haven’t. You just happen to know all about everything post O&A. But use you excuses.

I do, too. But I don’t listen. It’s not hard to abreast of the information by following this sub.

I don't know if you're AntH or Joe but either way you're a pissy eyes little faggot and don't you ever talk back to me boy.

Nobody here watches either of these shows. We’re just waiting for the Grim Reaper wrap these storylines up.

Because he's on the radio?

Is he?

She is completely average looking, but looks like a 10 when she's standing next to that monstrosity.

No one could really blame her for leaving Walter White for his business partner. That guy was way more ambitious.

Revolting. Jess looks pretty good though, not a hard thing to pull off when you're standing next to Sam Roberts but still...

Until I saw this picture, I didn't realize that bSam is holding her against her will. Look at this poor woman's face. The suffering is etched there forever.

We must do something to free her, get her safely back over the border with her rapebabies to start a new life in safety and surrounded by loved ones.

He is so ugly it's funny.

It’s really not that funny. It’s frightening on a deep level

HGH wasted!

she's very not hot and jew looking

Thank you. Like Chelsea Clinton. It says something about her that this is a look she's going for, too.

I don't get how she brings out the white knights around here.

You don’t?

Because to me, a southerner, I don’t understand the new bashing. Jewish women are exotic to me.

Continue to use O&A era insults as an insult, that’ll work.

Your truck is waiting for you.

Oh. I get it. Another reused joke from this sub. Congrats on your attempt to be like the guests on the radio show you still idolize.

AH HA HA HOLY SHIT you are Ant!

Ha ha good one.

She must be so ashamed.

Women will do anything for some "security" and "stability" Fuck that pass the Kratom

That Jess? She looks like George's gf who looks like Jerry.

Hahaha look at Sam touching her womb with his fucking fingertips like a psycho. Truly a disgusting manchild.

Wearing black to mourn the death of fun radio.

Both people in this photograph should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh damn, Jess is not hot anymore, she used to be.

Wtf did she do to her nose?

Nice discount priced rhinoplasty, stupid.

His head is like 3x the size of hers. Jesus.

His hair is like something you pull out of the shower drain.

C’mon he has to be shopped here right? F you guys