Reminder that Patrice told Anthony to stop fucking around with online random chicks and he didn't listen

17  2019-04-06 by VisiblePlan


Clip? Would like to hear this one

its when him and Jill break up because he cheated on her with some pal talk ho

Nope, it was before he dated Jill. It was when he broke up with his girl he was seeing before Jill. This is the clip.

Right after Anthony broke up with that time whore.

Here it is. Start at 12:12 if it doesn't start there automatically.

You will see why the audio at the 12:36 mark is so very near and dear to me.

Reminder that Patrice’s cardiologist told him to stop fucking around with cherry coke but he didn’t listen.

I listen to that today. Weird maaaaaaannnn

Me too on Tefft's stream. Howdy, neighbor.

Who'd have thought that Ant fucking around with broken/insane teen girls wouldn't fuck him over one day, like crazy Dani did.

Between Melinda and Missy Muscles, the dumb dago had no interest in any stability, yet still pines for barely legal teens, the fucking ghoul.