I mean this guy was a real jerk.

73  2019-04-06 by Antlovessue


Norm always wins in the end, child

Didn't pat say that his comic friends also thought Norm sucked? I think that was one of the biggest reasons he sounded stupid. Not only did he say that Norm sucked, but his fellow "comics" agreed. What a terrible comedy scene that must be.

*I dunno. I think she wanted... What would you call it... Oh yeah, a Man sized member.

that chick looks like a real goer. Like you're raw dogging her and you say you're about to cum and she doesn't say anything

Off-brand Kirsten Dunst lookin' good.

What a battle axe

he has aged horribly. he was cute on snl and then turned into this bloated mess overnight.

Yeah pat does suck

You darn fool that's Kitchener Leslie's girlfriend

Tfw too smart, handsome and funny to waste time on pussy.