Brotherman got paid

4  2019-04-06 by Ant_Sucks


A delusional liar. You had 3 months left on your contract. You were fired. If a baseball player signs a 5 year, $100 million contract but then sucks or does something cancerous or criminal in year 3 that causes the team to cut him, he’ll still get paid the remainder of his contract but he’s stilll considered cut and fired.

Yeah, he's playing a semantics game. He was obviously let go unexpectedly.

What that thing called when you you fuck up at your 30 year career and they make you leave, pretty sure it’s called fired. Glad “they did right by you” Opie, (if that’s even your real name)

He got his money and kept his money. It’s an easy life for big bro Opie.

Get Opie’s balls out of your mouth, queer.

this pedophile is easily the most psychotically depressed of the three, his continued spiral is a joy to watch.

reminder: gregg "opie" hughes is still on the loose. his reign of pedophilia must cease post haste.

Wasn't he claiming he was going to sue them last year?

He tweeted on February 8, 2018: "I have 3 law firms that are chomping at the bit to sue them. Sirius knows this and are talking to my agent. They're very receptive to put this past them. I'll get every dollar owed to me one way or another. Hope this answers your question. Now go hate somewhere else."

It should be "champing at the bit", but I digress.
