"If Robin was fired I would absolutely walk. I wouldn't just sit there! I'd walk right out of the building." Howard Stern on Anthony Cumia's firing and Gregg 'Opie' Hughes and Jim 'The Worm' Norton staying putt, 2014

15  2019-04-06 by Feetntits


But.... Robin WAS fired and HS stayed put, and behaved. He did the right thing in the end... but he had to fuck with the opester, he couldn't let it go.

lol, it's literally in Private Parts

I didnt even think of that lol. But it does show what I wanted to say

If Quivers went out to take pictures of scaffolding at 3am, had an altercation with a white guy, went home and tweeted about crackers and honkys and got herself fired, there's no fucking way ol' Hook Snout would quit. He is a big fat liar.

Check out Sigourney Stern over here

She's a handsome gal!