So, so, so, I'll get free money in Europe?

110  2019-04-06 by StentFeznor


Camp of the Kangz.

i sincerely thought this was an angry euro posting their problems until i saw brotherjoe he blends in perfectly

Took me a while to find him, too. This is like a “Where is BroJoe”

Dear diary,

My brother reneged on our childhood promise. Fake-Bono won't lend me money. Ducks on the Ave won't reply to me on Facebook. I'm now an economic migrant. I have heard that Europe will give me things for free. It is now my only hope...

Which one is Joe?

Which one isn’t?

Fucking animals.

The ferry from Sicily.

inferno di cioccolato

Where’s Waldo? of retards

Where’s Waldo? Of economic dependents

One torpedo could take care of all these problems.

Don't waste money on a torp, just mash them under the hull of a Destroyer and chop up whatever survives with the prop.

Nice economical solution, stupid.

Looks like the boat is already taking on tons of water because they keep going to one side.

This post is racist right wing fear mongering. This debunks the whole 'welfare migrant' falacy.

get a hobby




Start collecting stamps or something.

Welfare migrant fallacy? So then why does reality show, and prove, over and over again that they are migrants who end up on welfare?

i already provided a link bigot

Your link debunks nothing.

This dude is a totally based MIGApede, no sense in debating him.

USS water buffaler

"That's Lady Di in the background"

"You mean she's aboard that ship?"


I'm liking these new "Where's Joe?" games.

Joe: “Don’t lean on the side of the boat, look you’re sinking us.”

it took me almost a minute to actually find Joe

Hopefully the raft sinks and they get flushed down the toilet of the ocean like the turds they are.

Too bad this wasn't the Indianapolis.

Japanese sub launched 2 torpedoes into our raft chief. We just delivered the bums, the Eritrean bums...

Noooooo educated person had been sent...

Looks like a boatload of doctors and innocent children to me, child.

One thing the newspapers and media in general rarely mention is that it costs these guys a lot of money (from their perspective) to get a place on one of these rafts.

Hundreds of dollars for a north African to get across the Med, thousands for the whole trip from East or Central Africa and just as much, if not more, to get from the Levant. This is one of the reasons they are mostly military aged males - they have the resources to pay the people traffickers.

They are economic migrants. End of story.

Yes, it's shitty in their countries. Dangerous, dirty, no opportunities. Sorry, not our problem. Stay there and fix it up, if you're capable of doing it.

its not like these people are boating all the way to the US tho, its mostly the EU countries who are dealing with the wave of refugees from these shitholes

I'm from the UK but nowadays spend most of the year in an EU country, albeit one that's told the EU to stick their quota up their arse and refuses to accept any of these characters.

Soooo Denmark/Finland?


It's not that they refused to accept them (they have no choice) it's that no migrant wants to live in that shithole

Someone obviously hasn't been to Prague.

Great architecture, shitty city.

How's that? Maybe you got stuck in the tourist traps in the old town? It's safe (almost no crime and no violent crime - almost 100% white), filled with great museums, music bars, concert halls and lots of other cultural attractions (not to mention 9s and 10s.) Nice climate - 4 distinct seasons. Easy to get to most places by plane. The 2 apartments and 1 house I own here have hugely appreciated in value in the 8 years I've been living on and off here. Been all over Europe, America and parts of Asia - can't think of many better places in all honesty. Only problems are the local food is kind of stodgy and the locals can be quite guarded and unfriendly if they don't know you.

fucking EU.. nothing worse than a centralized government.

Which one?

That's a weird point. Why would they risk boating to the US when central Europe is that much closer?

thats because i assume anyone who come here is from america

i mean just replace this raft, with a door from cuba, same shit.

Plus these men could be using that money to start businesses to help their communities. Those thousands would go a long way to becoming more than self-sustainable in any of those African cities.

This is how the west became wealthy. Through industry and production.

Going to a rich country with no resources or skills that are in demand in these countries is a quick way to stay poor and make everyone else poorer.

They and their families would be far better off if they stayed and cared about the place they came from.

The only thing that can push back against dictators is a middle class who far outnumber the government.

Long-term risk vs deferred reward isn't really an ethos in a lot of those countries.

It’s almost like there’s something missing over there, something that would normally create opportunities for income, growth, education and innovation…

At least the Syrian immigrants do shit like start businesses, work, trying to get their degrees validated etc. I don't see the potential here tbh

The other thing that they don’t talk about is that they could be fucking goddamn rocket scientists BUT YOU CAN’T MAKE US WANT THEM TO COME HERE!

That water won't ever be that blue ever again!

Wakandan Joe

This is my favorite post of the day, maybe the week

I know, right? I hope they all drown to.

imagine having to go thru all this shit cause you can't put food on your table..

all the enrichment

Some of these make me laugh...This one got me! Good job, LOL!

I love that the Italian President or PM said the only was these African migrants would see Italy was “from a telescope.”

Real ass dude.

He blends right in

This is today's generation's Where's Waldo?