Not A Faggot

4  2019-04-06 by LarryKleist711


This is what joe thinks he looks like bringing Layla to school

Oh fuck, if that guy photoshopped So So Joe over Denzel I will actually laugh until my penis falls off

The over the top editing and close ups of him struggling with drinking and trying to hold a gun still was laughably bad.

id watch it again though

It's all worth it for the buttplug scene.

These two comments could literally be about Dani Brand's home video.

More importantly, not a pedophile.

The man can act his ass off

He has two Oscars that actually means something, from before they went affirmative action.

I gush like a sweet little faggot when I have a reason to talk to him.

He was never not the greatest. I bought one of those 20 movies for $3 DVDs and one of his earliest movies was on it and he was truly just as good as ever. He carried the whole movie.

Was great in Training Day but should not have won the Academy Award, which should have gone to Will Smith in Ali. He should have won for Malcolm X, though.

They both should have won it. This system that pits wildly different actors in wildly different movies against each other is bullshit. Jamie Foxx should have won one for Ali too. Fuck the system, eat the rich, etc.

You’re one red dead nigga

Da-dee , da-dee , are the aliens going to get us?

Great actor. Damn straight shooter in real life too and seems pretty sensible when interviewed.

For a top tier actually racist piece of shit like you, that's high praise indeed.

That movie kicks ass! Spectacular ending.

Chief of the watch................floatduhbooee

Didn’t like this movie, the way it was shot was all fucked up. He’s great in everything though and not faggot.
