Patrick S. Tomlinson: On Ice

8  2019-04-06 by rdoran93

why is it so fun to hate the boy


Because he's fat and gay

And tried to molest his daughter to the point she had to leave.

He didn't deny this.

i trust the testimonial of you all without question. Patricia Tomlinson is an abomination

Because he’s a fucking fraud.

Probably because he's a doughy loser who somehow has convinced himself that he's a combination of Dalton from Roadhouse, Gene Roddenberry, and Abbie Hoffman. He's none of those things.

He looks like Porky Pig

because he has yet to realize that his contributions to society are utterly meaningless

Because he's comprised completely of unearned and unwarranted egotism and arrogant smugness.

He is everything you dislike about most people's attitude ramped up to 11 with actual value and contributions to society basically nil.

Much like Sam Roberts. he's a perfect example of someone who never got his ass beat growing up to teach him his place.