Patrice O'Neal. Always in our hearts.

46  2019-04-06 by Feetntits


What a faggot post


The white dust from her deodorant is making me sick.

I mean, there is worse...

It is worse. That's just ashy skin. She doesn't use deodorant, obviously.

Textbook pity/charity hire

what do you mean you're out of chicken?

I doubt she likes dick but jesus could she deepthroat an entire watermelon

She likes dicks enough to put them in her butt. We have photo evidence.

She had to compensate for her looks

I'm confused. That logo in the back clearly indicates she isn't allowed to be in the movie. Is she screaming in protest?

I heard she’s starring as Ashanti Ape in a new female-remake of Roger Rabbit next

Nice redundant next, stupid

I love how this place ruined her day, but got off Scott-free, while Milo got kicked off Twitter.

IGN Intensely Grotesque Nigger

Remember when she first really blew up, and Jim, out if nowhere, suddenly made a huge deal out of what good friends they were and how long they've known each other? Then she never did the show, and Jim stopped mentioning her again. Fucking worm.

What, you don’t think Jim is a genuine person? Nyehehehe

I don’t get it, is she being jolted with electricity or is this from her anal video?

His rotting fat corpse is more fuckable

So we saw Patrice's asshole?

Patrice use to make Von eat off it :-)

Goddamn is she aesthetically displeasing.

Nubian Kaween! Builder of Pyramids!

It’s like it’s handlers bring it in and it speaks for their amusement and then they congratulate it for not going crazy