Ok u/intlectualhomosexual, you have juiced the fruit that is this bit dry.

4  2019-04-05 by telav

please stop now.


Do you really think Joe Cumia is above coming here and making a complete ass of himself?

It's bizarre to me that people think that isn't Joe. The man is unemployed, regularly humiliates himself publicly and has nothing but time on his hands. But he's above coming here and behaving like the total retard he is?

So, so, so, so BEHAVING! like a total retard makes you Joe Cumia?

You're just running interference. I see through your alts, Joe. I've started seeing you everywhere. Behind every bush, around every corner. I see you.

It's bizarre to me that people think that isn't Joe. The man is unemployed, regularly humiliates himself publicly and has nothing but time on his hands. But he's above coming here and behaving like the total retard he is?