This book sounds extremely anti-Semitic

23  2019-04-05 by donkeybongers


i like the sound of that story

this crab intrigues me

Its just a no effort, rip-off of Futurama

I was just about to type the exact same thing. It's just camp, frothy nonsense.

Rips off the Not Sure gag from Idiocracy too. But he thinks it's a cheeky poke at faceless, inefficient bureaucracies.

Oddly, he's a faceless, inefficient tub of shit.

“She” “her” what’s with the hate speech

he is incapable of respecting other people's feelings. look at what he did to samcro joe

“Found family”

why would a tentacle monster have any opinions on music piracy in the future?

damn, i have questions, and i need answers!

this dude is like a fatter Alfred Hitchcock

Nice Douglas Adams ripoff, stupid

The faggot at the end of the universe

"What if the universe was random and British" it was already gay the first time around.

Did Fatrick just assume someone’s gender?

If we're going to be ripping off other talented people, just make the character's name Not Sure.


Patty the Plagiarist.

hitchhiker's guide with the laughs taken out, watered down with piss and spoon fed to like-minded faggots

What a shit book

As a writer, this is just a bunch of shit ideas made into a shit storm of a book. It'll turn into a shit blizzard soon, and Fatrick will enter the shit abyss.

Such an untalented, unoriginal fat hack.

No fatty, your books sucks, that's why it's self published.

Good job making Jordan Peterson look like freaking F. Scott Fitzgerald, dumbass.

Fitzgerald sucked and The Great Gatsby was the worst piece of shit I've ever read.

I really, really hate the description of that book. "A slow talking rock." Hiq quirky. You thought that would be such an interesting character and nobody gives a shit.

I was just about to type the exact same thing. It's just camp, frothy nonsense.

Rips off the Not Sure gag from Idiocracy too. But he thinks it's a cheeky poke at faceless, inefficient bureaucracies.