The political comedic stylings of Pat Bloblinson

8  2019-04-05 by SoulBrothamanNumber1


So, what he’s implying here - Hell, not even implying! He’s stating that all black people look a like. Disturbing.

He's saying they all need to behave and act like Obama or else he hates them.

The best house nigger ever

Wow! I guess Dems really are the real racists.

Fatrick making sure blacks don’t get out of line

Someone should NOT update that with his IG and post it on subs that would find this extremely offensive.

Snickers sounds a little too close to a word for black people I dont feel comfortable with

can we not use that candy bar in this particular meme please.

maybe a payday instead, you know how those fat cats lose their “paydays”


He thought this was so good, he had to stamp it with handle bacause people would share it. This is also the opposite of woke.

I hate this stupid meme. But it's especially faggy here. What so he eats a snickers and goes from guy whose opinions differ with yours to guy who repeatedly bombed innocent civilians by use of drones? And he's less crazy? Shut up, stupid.

Patrick is such an oblivious cunt.