One month until CINCO DE DRINKO!

4  2019-04-05 by unclepaul84


Does he drink every day?

Do you not?

Hell no. I haven’t done that since my mid 20’s. I stick to just Friday and Saturday now.

I wish I had that kind of will power. I need to lay off a few days, the last few days my right eye had been hurting after every night of drinking. I can't recall when I skipped a day.

Your probably passing out in fucked up positions. That may be the cause of ur neck pain. Plus I’d be physically unable to do my job if I was hungover. Someone would get hurt and I’d get fired.

I have to sleep with my head propped up against the wall, otherwise my should may dislocate in my sleep. So you're probably right.

Neck pain can lead to headaches. Why not get something to hold ur shoulder in place so you can sleep like a normal person. Like a sling or something. We may need to get dr. Steve in here.

You're probably right, it's just really uncomfortable to sleep with a sling. I've been sleeping this way for years and it's only been messing with me the last few months. Maybe it's adding up over time.

I imagine a sling probably suck and is uncomfortable. But it can’t be worse than neck pain and headaches. Plus you would get used to it. got used to your current sleeping arrangement, right? This should be way easier than that.

True, true. I'll give it a go for a few weeks and see if it helps. I already have a pillow case full of various slings from so many emergency visits, so I'll try one out.

Do a week of that and next we will work on ur drinking. I’ll compile a bunch of Jim Norton advice shows to send you.

You might ladle out the wrong soup to a customer

He stopped drinking. He fell asleep for a little.

I only drink on days of the week that end in y

But seriously folks....

This guy's a riot

He just lost everything in his divorce and he doesn't even have a mistress out of the deal.

Jeez. Marriage is terrifying.

Looks like the gathering of faggots in the woods

Look at all that beard dandruff on his shirt. Disgusting.

Jeez. Marriage is terrifying.