This show has high potential.

11  2019-04-05 by Sf52016


spit take is a better name

"Okay now we're gonna open up the phones, talk to some of my millions of adoring fans...hi, this is Anthony Cumia's brother, does anyone have anything they wanna say to me?"

It does. Any suggestions as far as content, or should I just wing it? If all 27,000 of you pay a one time fee of only $20 each (That’s Almost $1000 dollars!) , I’d air pretty much anything you suggest, as long as it’s legal. A live chicken birth from my ass? I know you fags want it, and it is Legal, but it sounds painful, so that’s off the table. Oh yeah, and nothing uh, overtly gay...!

Don't act like you don't perform live chicken births weekly at the Big Apple Ranch.

I'd definitely tune in. We need a David and Bobo Show 2.0