Twitter user challenges Fatty McPatty, IMMEDIATELY regrets it, is DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC

35  2019-04-05 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


bombshell... boom

How dare that guy question The Great Fagtrick

Nice blue check mark, oh wait.....

Remember when he was on Twitter? Good times.

is he not anymore? I just tried looking for him and nothing. Are these all coming from a wayback machine or something? Photoshoppped?

we got him kicked off of twitter permanently lol

It saps your strength trying to keep up with these paranoid delusions. 'Had their voting information hacked' before the election? WTF does that even mean? What is he actually saying?

I had my social security number and property deed stored in my voting information before it was hacked and stolen. I still haven't gotten my identity back and six families from the Caucasus are now living in my house.

I hope you've alerted the Mueller investigation.

You know, I'm not a sci-fi writer, so I really am only saying this as a civilian. I just maybe wouldn't be so harsh against adult virgin males, shaming them sexually every chance I get, implying that's the most pathetic insult of all. They're kind of the target demo for obscure weird sci-fi books.

Like I don't remember the author of those Twilight books hysterically ranting on social media how much she hates preteen girls.

Sososososososo you're saying insulting the majority target demographic of your product isn't smart business practice, child?

Faggot S. Not Thompson

of course that was a 10 part tweet series.

More words = better writer, child

What's so stealthy about him besides his obscurity?

Patric is obsessed with virgins. What did that have to do with what they were talking about?

Incel is up there with woke as words that when used without irony show a person who should be drown in kerosene.

Lol at this guy of all people calling others incel

people talking about russia in 2019 eyeroll

Stop writing like Scorch.

1 of 10 lol what a fucking jerk off

There is no Russian collusion, Patrick.