Happy Friday r/opieandanthony

87  2019-04-05 by fatnakedninja


I didn’t know both of these things could exist at the same time and place

Only in heaven.

Could you imagine walking through the pearly gates and seeing Visio products...and blacks?

That's basically the electronics department at my local Walmart.

You can tell this little girl has good parents because they put up the fire guard for safety and the kid made it home alive from the store after stealing the soundbar.

The trick is to buckle them in...

Lifehack: pay for your Vizio Sound bars in order to have enough time to properly secure your child in their car seat.

Let’s not forget that literally no one was coming after Mr. Kuhn. He had all the time in the world.

I wonder if he ever dwells on that

He jumped over the kids lifeless body to try to get away. He doesn't give a fuck.

Uh I bet he gives quite a bit of a fuck since he's in prison for the rest of his probable life

Sorry I meant he doesn't give a fuck about the kid, definitely gives a fuck about being put in a cage by the white man.

Fucking guy sucks if this humble netizen's opinion

Sadly no, he got like 8 years (8 to 30). He was one of those blm types, shockingly ,. Also blamed drugs, also shockingly.

fucking hell

Yeah, because everybody wants to watch their child die.

That was when he was on oxys. He definitely gives a fuck now.

Also let's not forget that he left the sound bar in the store vestibule. He technically didn't steal anything.

Took a minute to cover his license plate with a sweater

Tears in Heaven

This is what happens when you pay for your Vizio sound bar.

Pay vizio=happiness.

😍😍😍look at those chubby lil arms

Can we have ONE fucking thread that doesn't devolve into talking about Patrick?

Anth no

That is the ugliest carpet I've ever seen.

Is that a childspit spittoon in the back?

sparsely furnished

Awwww! You made it home.. that's sooo sweet. No deaths involved? How did you shake the Gestapo like tactics of walmart security?

Wait a minute.

(zooms in)

That bow doesn't do anything! It's vestigial! You can't fool me!

Well fuck.


That's so progressive putting a bow on your son and deciding his gender for him

Nice house with no furniture, stupid.

"Don't forget to thank Uncle Anthony.". What the fuck does Anthony do on Fridays? I'm sure he isn't working on improving his shitty network.

He drinks alcohol, pops benzos, and sings karaoke.

Originality is not in your nature I see

You couldn't figure out a way to mount the TV 6 inches to the left?

Wait a minute, that home doesn't look like the mother's basement that I'm always hearing about.

Install some baseboard trim so your house doesn’t resemble a ghetto free dental clinic.