What if I told you... that I'm gay?

26  2019-04-05 by Anal_Sacks


Your trim looks like shit, faggot.

My bad, child.

I hate this Patton Oswalt-ey vibe of “I was the misfit in school and my outcast status helped me form my liberal views, and then I grew up to be the interesting swashbuckling whiskey sipping creative guy on top of that.”

It was never true. The loser in high school is typically a loser throughout his life. Likewise, the popular, successful kids tend to stay that was all through adulthood.

Once that meme of the outcast everyman started, kids just started assuming it was true before the fact. All the “outcast uncool” kids who hated conformists at my school were just assholes who prejudged everyone who played sports. It was literally like the goth kids from South Park.

Nice mean mug, child

I'd tell you it was a gross understatement.

"I'll be fat."

You think that's cum you're drinking, Neo?