Where did all the fans go?

319  2019-04-05 by ChanceArm


Got a piece on him

Really nailed old twoshirts

“I’m also Gay” must be a new Rockstar game coming out.

Nice depiction of Norton’s head bump. Where’s Sam?

Too irrelevant

also his big breast

I don't identify with Reddit. Basically it's a platform filled with faggots and pedophilia apologists other than us.

I had this thought too while I was making this, but I was too lazy to draw a mob of angry Arby's and Starbucks employees instead. I decided to go to easy route and just write 'O&A' on the Reddit guy

It was the best option. It only shows that we need some mascot that represents this sub properly and is easily recognized

I thought that was Artie.

The one time the shit emoji would be apt.

Your picture is still a colossal and stupid waste of time and talent, and therefore I applaud you for it.

I decided to go the easy route and just write 'O&A' on the Reddit guy

In fairness, he does look pretty drunk. And racist

I thought it was Pedobear which is more appropriate.

i thought we stand firmly against pedos of any kind (Ant, Joe, Tomlinson, Logan Lynn, chapotraphouse etc.)

What kind of pen do you use

How important is the pen?

What happened to the pen cap?


How can you have a civil conversation with someone who so brutally murdered your pen?

nice reddit comment chain, retards

wonder if he needed 4 cause i know where he can get it brand new

Whenever my pens are running out I go down to the McMansion and stock up on some pristine and untouched sharpies

I used to obsess over choosing The Perfect Pen for my drawings, then realized that most of the pros use sharpies. Rapidograph can blow me.

Cleaning them out makes me near suicidal.


I’m also gay

I'm also gay says the tee-shirt

i was gonna post a thread about it but it's a bit douche'y so i'll put it here: r/o&a is the new Cellar.

discuss, repost, etc

Well I can say that this is pretty much one of the last places on the internet that still makes me laugh every day

That is the gayest thought ever.

Nice shirt, stupid.

Can I sit at the r/o&a comedians only table now?

I'd like to think we merit a larger and more vulgar collective bulge but the picture is probably overly generous.

Old potato head.

Who's the one in the fishnets?

The one with two shirts and a ravaged face you mean?

Joe Cumia's brother tony

Nice touch on the Anthony shirt

What about Artie telling the same joke 1000 times a week and Anthony fake laughing at it? HO HO HO LEE SHIT slaps table


fuck dude ant is getting me hard

Sidebar this shit.

The patrick is so lifelike I feel like children aren't safe. Bravo.

I like the drawing, but the bulge is too small

Please tell me someone with a Facebook has sent this to Fatprick already.

Point and laugh friday alive and well. Good work, brotherman.

Is the dude with the condom helmet and the Aladdin shirt meant to be Joe? Anthony, Jim & Pat look photo-realistic though

Amazing how much better this art style is than Worm's 60K cartoon.

You mean his 1k newgrounds flash animation and 59k in chaturbate tokens?

Snoo's been pumping that iron.


This is great and I get that it's supposed to represent 'us' but I hate that faggot reddit logo so much that I spit on my phone every time I see it. Please refrain from using it in future artwork, thank you.

We went searching for beefer pix

Ah, mommy’s shoes — very nice touch.