Jim norton is a past his prime comic who will die alone and spends his days complaining about eggs on twitter.

69  2019-04-05 by CoreyFeldog

More of a sad observation really


I like to have my nipples twiddled by a man in a wig.. you got a problem with that, baby boy?

Can you really call it a prime if he was always shit?

He's a two note wonder: Pedophilia and sexual debauchery jokes. Are we really going to miss much when he dies?

Don't forget baby noises and prop comedy

Also don’t forget his lamentations about women not dating him who are trying to help him as they are waitresses or optometrists.

Define "sad"

All of us

Anthony Cumia is a past his prime shock Jock who will die alone and spend his days complaining about Twitter to his ass egg.

He had a prime?

he lost his edge once everyone stopped being shocked by sexual deviancy. I've always said that a comedy career should be built on jokes not cheap shocks but these guys never listen