"No lubricant was required or was desired, child."

91  2019-04-05 by StentFeznor


I have a double chin but I'm not fat, child.

Beers, brats, and Milwaukee winters, sweetie.

*Milwaukee weiners.

Cut his hair and he's a young Bobby.

Nice water retention head, you fat faced creep

Water retention is very healthy for you

Excess water retention is not good for you

Ok literal McGowan9

I'm a retard but maybe throw an exclamation point in there next time. This place is filled with autistics, you have to punch up not particularly funny jokes to make your intentions clear.

I prefer to punch down. Less work

me thinks “fat fat” needs to cut out the salty treats

Over-inflated ego. Pudgy body. Terrible writer.

At least his hairline isn’t weird

Cable knit sweaters are the worst.

There is something very wrong with that boy.

He's got lumbago.

I know what documentary this was from wow this makes me sick not the poster just what was said during the documentary

You had a head like Fat Pat’s but couldn’t completely cover the one from the original?

Nice photoshop skills, stupid.

I'm tired of upvoting things attached to this face.

I prefer to punch down. Less work