Patrick advocating the murder of Jews

26  2019-04-05 by gayjohn75


We make fun of him, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

"If that's what it takes to call people Nazis, throw em all in the oven"- Author P.S. Tomlinson

If Fat Pat went full on JQ this sub would find a way to embrace him and make him a minor bestseller. The T’linson Diaries would put Ants book to shame.

This is accurate. “LOL Basedrick Goyimson tells the hollywood (((libtards))) how it is!” Nice MDE, stupids.

You're such a one note faggot.

you forgot the triple parentheses, queer.

The fat attention whore would do it if he could be convinced that it would result in more books sold

What a disgusting piece of shit.

Wait so is he into the whole 'Muslims are the real Nazis' line given that they kill a lot of Jews? That's pretty hardcore right wing stuff, child. Don't let the SPLC know.

This is accurate. “LOL Basedrick Goyimson tells the hollywood (((libtards))) how it is!” Nice MDE, stupids.

The fat attention whore would do it if he could be convinced that it would result in more books sold