Oh the irony. The one you slugs hate THE MOST, find the least interesting, funny or engaging is the ONLY ONE that posts here. You chased everyone else away. No Ant, Ope, Jimmy, Ronnie, none of them know anything about what you do and say here. I know Ant doesn’t look at all. They’re all done w you.

0  2019-04-05 by IntlectualHomosexual


He’s back fellas.

He had to wait for anthony to pay his electric bill. You see when you're a worthless bum who doesn't work for a living it tends to be shut off a lot.

He's black, fellas

He just doesn't fucking learn, does he?

hes a blackfella

what's the hot tub story?

We are done with them stupid.

None of them know? I doubt that.

But guess who does know? YOU!

Fucking dumbass.

Eat mor chikin


That's fine I'm on to bigger and better things https://imgoat.com/uploads/1d10e7bafa/208884.jpg

If you are going to white knight for AntH at least show him respect and add the capital H to his name.

"This is the Joseph Lane!" Kill yourself.


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Suck my dick you fucking loser.

Can you post your 23&Me?

Awww, someone if feeling lonely and needs attention. Pathetic

Has AntH started grooming Layla yet?

You know damn well he has. He gave her an iPad. Bad times ahead for little Layla.

He's so dumb he literally makes a post saying "EVERYONE BUT ME HAS THINGS TO DO BUT I CAN POST HERE WHILE I WAIT FOR MY LITTLE BROTHER TO SEND ME MY ALLOWANCE" and thinks he's getting us. Never change Joe.

not joe

I don’t think so either, joe would write “Anth.”

(Shhh, if it’s not, and it isn’t, it will draw him out)

Can I pay you $5,000 to let me break a guitar over your head?

I’ll add $200 to the cause, that’s all I can afford right now but I want to show my support.

Dude you should have waited to see if hed take the 5k, always aim low with the cumias

$200?! Why that’s enough to buy a genuine Gibson or Fender off of Facebook!

Joe I just want you to know I don’t hate you, please just turn ant in, stop being complicit in his crimes.

You seem upset Joe, did the truant officer stop by again today?

Meh. Pass.

Where's that DD214, fatso?

I honestly hope you are Joe because it would be so poetic for you to fuck the AMA up so badly that the general censuses is now that you're an imposter. So now you can't even get wasted on a Thursday night(great parenting) and post on this subreddit in search of a dopamine fix.

I'm pretty sure it is actually cow eyes himself. Doing an AMA to try and win people here over and then raging and deleting all his responses when his words get used against him has Joe's retarded hoof prints all over it.

So the reason we supposedly turned against them is because they don't post here???? Um, sure, joe.

Yeah, they barely posted here before they were non grata.

Be better.

Nigger we don't hate you the most. We hate you like 4th most. Plus none of us would care if you killed yourself.


Are you trying to say they sent us to obscurity???

It’s a fact. Your li’l sub was, at one point in time, at least mentioned by the principals once in a while. You’ve actually sent yourselves to obscurity by way of fuckery, which is so much more ironic than anyone else successfully having the sub banned. Borderline poetic justice. You did it to yourselves. I enjoy that even more... It rules.

Joe you're a bad parent get some sleep


When I realized this, it made me laugh out loud...I shit you not, You morons really fucked it all up. You might as well call the sub “Don and Mike” “Abbot and Costello” or “Sonny and Cher”.. . Absolutely nobody that was ever remotely related to the O&A show even acknowledges your existence any more. That’s a fact. I’ve poked around here enough to see that for ANY of them, you don’t even exist. Not for a second of their lives. EVER. ANYMORE!!! Hahaha! None of them see anything you say or do here. All of the things you think are clever, your lame “show worthy bits” are the proverbial tree falling in the forest with no one around to hear it. You don’t exist. The mere thought of this elated me. I think that’s why the good Lord sent me here to look around. I think my work here may be done.

I know personally and speak directly to many show associated individuals. They avoid this place like the plague. Jim, Opie, Anthony, Sam, Travis, Colin, Rich, Rogan,

Fact: I’M THE ONLY ONE LEFT GIVING ANY ATTENTION TO YOU DOLTS. C’mon, it’s pretty fucking funny, it is from my perspective. The ultimate irony behind an entire “fan sub” of cuntwhistles to successfully pedophile, Fat shame, harass, libel, and otherwise fuck itself into TOTAL obscurity with those you comment on constantly. You only exist to entertain each other now,.. I digress, there’s always Pat Tomlinson...and myself. Now I’ll self deprecate, just for the bit:

Hey Sub...You’re getting some shitty guests these days...Good night all!

You must have written a book's worth of content here the last couple of days. Glad to know this place doesn't occupy your thoughts much.

Luis J Gomez just confirmed in his AMA less than 24 hours ago that you are a pedophile and Nick Mullen said he wouldn't do your pedophile brothers show on here. They both post here. We got an AMA from Sue Lightning Joe. We got you on the people's court and you made a jackass of yourself. This is also a subreddit and not a show. It's more entertaining and populated. Keep thinking of ways this place doesn't affect you, it makes perfect sense.

You’re getting a lot of attention!! FROM ME! Haha! I’d love to see the pedo comment by Luis. Nice try dick. We’re friendly. You’re a tool. Oooooh! An AMA from an aging tranny? So what? More “Tranthony” jokes? I can’t wait. Everyone’s so excited. Another shit-fact you idiots like to throw around... I GOT ME AND THE DOUCHEBAG FROM TRENTON ON PEOPLES COURT. On purpose. I did it to get paid. The deadbeat bar rag had no intentions of paying in a regular civil court. He happily accepted my offer to appear. BTW- you delusional mooks think people just google my name Willy nilly. They don’t. No one but you idiots do. All your “work” that you think is affecting my life is nowhere to be found unless it’s pointed out specifically by you to individuals that MIGHT give a fuck. Most people don’t. You’re little sewing circle has become a parody of itself.

Joe, have people always hated you? I mean even before you open your bovine mouth and some VERY forced 3 syllable words fall out to try to impress them? I think it's your face. It's just off-putting.

Is that why you don’t show yours at all faggot?


Yeah sure. Saw it. Not Luis answering.

BTW- you delusional mooks think people just google my name Willy nilly. They don’t. No one but you idiots do. All your “work” that you think is affecting my life is nowhere to be found...

Okay, now I'm skeptical. I don't even think Joe is stupid enough to be happy mentioning that this sub has no effect on his business - because no one's looking for it in the first place.

I wonder how your daughter will feel when her friends google you, or her last name even.

There's 27,000 people here and you're the only one who doesn't hate you.

4:00 am Friday and this is what you're up to, writing manifestos to the same folks that forced you to hide your gigs?

Too self aware to be Joe

the most enraging part is people like this think they're smart and witty. The people with the lowest IQ's have to tell you they're smart.

but an ox can't even clean his own asshole

No effect.

Get your daughter to school on time, dead beat. Theres no way your daughter will ever be proud of you.

Damn it. I'm late again. Well, you know why I'm here. I am morally obligated to let you know that your stupidity is of gargantuan proportions. Truly astounding how stupid you are and yet you're still able to breathe. I would not be surprised if no brain function would be detected you had an MRI done.

No matter what you say or believe, the absolute truth and honesty of this post remains. They’re all done with this sub. r/opieandanthony has posted and commented itself straight into obscurity. That’s a fact Mr.

your shitty joe impression only convinces literal retards. stop besmirching war hero joes good name, faggot

You know damn well he has. He gave her an iPad. Bad times ahead for little Layla.