People who care about the ze/zer shit should be pissed off at Patrick

40  2019-04-04 by BeigeFrequency

He only throws it into his scribblings for two reasons. He has a white savior complex that makes him think he needs to stand up for the downtrodden LGBTQ people who can't stand up for themselves. At the same time, he is a failed author who is latching onto LGBTQ issues to seem like a woke alley in a desperate bid to sell a few books to a niche demographic. Pathetic, really.


Ze raped me

There are several reasons that can't be true

I think I'm gonna be sick

Fuckin' nullos man.

He deff didnt rape you. First off, he hates niggers. Second, he hates women. If you were a little boy id totally believe this.

I tried to read the excerpt and couldn’t get past that. It’s not even like he’s being clever by creating language within universe like “1984” or “A Clockwork Orange”. What a bunch of pandering drivel. Way to alienate the majority of the sci-fi fan base. I’d even be willing to wager that most female sci-fi fans don’t care what pronouns a writer uses either.

It's an idea that could be worked with if he wasn't retarded. Assuming there is other intelligent life in the universe, some of it is going to be very different from the human species. . Some may not have sexes or they may have different ideas about "gender" than we do. Some may not recognize the idea of gender at all. That is fertile soil for all kinds of social commentary but he went with the laziest option of tacking non binary human pronouns onto aliens. Like when they would cover somebody with blue makeup on star trek so you knew they were an alien.

You’re right, Will we be seeing a documentary on him in the near future?

Please do, that would break him.

Ugh, please no. This narcissist gets too much attention as it is.

Just keep in mind what ever attention he gets will embolden him more, which will create more origin content for the sub. Also like many things that happen here, this whole thing started with a tweet and has snowballed.

Patrick snowballs a lot.

I've thought about. After I finish the Amy Schumer and Patrice videos I have in mind, I want to take a break from Opie and Anthony stuff for a bit.

Patrice videos? I am hype as fuck. Id love to see more patrice stuff from actual content creators and not "motivation101" and "meninist" style faggot channels.

I want to do a video about Von's documentary scam. I'm not ruling out a video about Patrice specifically but I don't think my take would be that welcome. People were furious about one offhand shot I took at him during the Jim Jefferies video.

People will get furious about anything, the YouTube crowd can be fickle. But I know myself and many others will support you until you start doing more of that weird poetry or start getting smug like porsalin

You're a good egg and i look foward to whatevers next

I'm not worried about putting my opinions out there but I don't care that much about disagreeing with a dead man to make a video swimming against the stream.

i do plan to put out fiction stories from time to time. The Old Ben story might not have been great but I enjoy writing fiction and hopefully will get better.

I'd upload your fiction stuff on another channel tbh, so it can't downvoted to death by annoyed/bored docu fans and it can get popular on its own merit.

He's trying to normalize all forms of deviant behavior so that eventually he'll be free to molest all the children he likes. Playing the long game, child.

Yes they should be furious. Then they should kill themselves and take Fatprick with them.

I'm not worried about putting my opinions out there but I don't care that much about disagreeing with a dead man to make a video swimming against the stream.

i do plan to put out fiction stories from time to time. The Old Ben story might not have been great but I enjoy writing fiction and hopefully will get better.