Look at how much brain power he's using attempting to make a point.

100  2019-04-04 by Trenchunit


That sign in the background is asking for a makeover.

Girl in the back can use a Starbucks.

Can somebody paint this in Baroque style for me

You say Baroque again im gonna call you a faggot

Sir I just want my painting

im not saying I cant or wont do it

but in this studio we call it “faggy 17th century style wop shit” or nothing it all

Brother Joe baroque another chair, so much for that diet.

I would have went with Brother Joe is too baroque for name brand guitars but yours is shorter.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

~ some faggot

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief: your noble son is mad.

Ins't once, one time too many?

So so so so so so so so so so so so

Joe can barely type a coherent paragraph when he's left alone with all the time and space he needs. Yet he thought he could use his Jedi mind tricks to debate some millennials who just read a couple tweets and outclassed him with ease.

Joe, learn humility. It's a thing for a reason.

Joe's intellect still above average compared to mud people.

We don't praise coloreds that aren't Malcolm LaVergne here, sir. Go put your MAGA hat back on so that the fellas you're blowing have something to clutch tightly in order to make sure you finish them off.


Bless that man in the shit stained flower dress.

Why are you posting a picture of this disgruntled Turkish bouncer?

He's in pain

How do you make an Italian guy stop taking?

Put him in handcuffs.

He’s pantomiming fondling balls...his favorite activity

I love this collaboration we have with the Cumias

Buddy in the right looks like he's been Ruizing a little too much.

Dripping with bovinity

That gender ambitious protestor in the back is the real hero of the night. He or she would think we are Nazis, but I would be honored to have a soy latter with xir.

The softest most non-threatening girl had Joe on his heels in a verbal debate.

The best part about this dullard making a spectacle of himself is the only press photos of Anthony's book launch are of his braindead brother screaming about racism and white supremacy on a New York sidewalk.

Isn’t this guy like 6’1 what a giant!

You buy rug! Very good price, my friend. Special for you!

The scaffolding was the target of this pic, right? I hear that’s a popular subject of modern photography.

Excellent composition in this one

"Can I buy you a Starbucks?" "No"

This sicko is the wearing the skin of his species

im not saying I cant or wont do it

but in this studio we call it “faggy 17th century style wop shit” or nothing it all