Opie vs. Luis J. Gomez

292  2019-04-04 by NixingJoe


Opie really doesn’t fuck around. Like him or hate him he doesn’t rely on innuendo to get his point across. He just says what he thinks like a goddamn man.

That's the beauty of having "fuck you" money.

So funny that's what the bbboys talked about every so often with fondness. Bet Anthony wishes he made a few different changes in life.

He's still financially solvent!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 HO LEE SHIT!!!

And an IQ of 82, you have no option but to communicate your words directly. What a legend.

That's a weird way to spell "autism"

Acting like a faggot over a slight jab is not being a man.

Be better.

unironically hates opie

pathetic, if true.

Be more funny

Its called autism.

The book 'The Four Agreements' says the first agreement that leads you to personal freedom is "Be Impeccable With Your Word".

Opie and Patrice were the only ones who carried this quality with them. Opie never formed jokes because he knew his lane and how to be impeccable with his words.

Except for his cryptic shark and beach videos when all that was going down, that was a bit douchey, but the opster has reformed

I like to think the man was at a low point during these videos and I'll forgive him

Never fucked a child or a tranny

At least he was outside enjoying a practical activity as opposed to watching Casino for the 400th time.

Real ass dude of the day - Opie

You mean he isn't a giant faggot pussy like his two former on air partners?

Should have just left it alone, to be honest, Op.

you'd have to be a complete idiot to think you can step to the destroyer. opie always wins in the end.



Purriod. sniff

The fawkin' psycho, the brotherman, the destroyer. He's been doing this shit since he was 18. I'm gonna pound a couple grapefruit road sodas tonight in his honor.

When they newfags forget that the love for Opie is ironic

There's obviously irony involved in the Opie love but you can't deny Opie is the least degenerate out of the O&A universe, and also that Jim and Sam are not at all funny or interesting. And Anthony is a paedophile.

Jim was ok, Opie is completely talentless. Ant was at least funny before he became a shitty political boomer

I never said Ant was an unfunny paedophile (years ago, anyway). I'm referring to Jim & Sam and Anthony at present, not in their prime. I never found Jim that funny even back in the day but now he's like a totally different person who is just a nervously blinking black hole for comedy.

Opie may not have been as quick witted or as funny as the others but he did steer the ship, most of the classic bits were Opie's ideas. He kept the show moving and probably seemed like an asshole awkwardly changing the topic when actually it was because Jim and Ant are too unprofessional to stick to any kind of structure (as evidenced by Anthony's horrendous show and Jim's handing of the reins to Sammy Shitcock to discuss rasslin and froyo and different types of expensive coon shoes the whole time).

He didn't steer the ship he stomped on bits and got rid of line of the day because he lost every time.

leave it alone

It stopped being fully ironic when he became the funniest of the three and proved he was always the biggest man. Also, he was the only one to ever call out guests. Ant and Jim only had the balls to yell at callers.

One of my favorite moments of O&A was when Opie blew off Sasha Baron Cohen (on air) for some past grievance.

If any of your autistic spectrum buddies know the show I am referring to, please let me know.

Opie actually has a point, but I respect that Luis speaks his mind. I'll call this a draw.

His mind thinks he's a talent tho

it's a draw, because Opie wanted it to be a draw.

Opie also writes as many jokes as Luis, ie none, so that's probably a draw, too.

Is it true Luis doesn't write his own jokes? Is that why rogan awkwardly out of no where said "You've GOTTA write your own jokes man" when luis was on his podcast? That stood out to me as odd at the time.

What I'm saying is that I have never seen Luis tell an actual joke. He's either MCing a roast battle of nobodies or is screaming and threatening to fight someone.

You catch on quick.

On Twitter

Ease up Gregg

They will never admit, but almost everyone in the O&A universe is scared to death of Opie.

Because he has dirt on everyone and nobody has dirt on him lol

b-b-b-but he stepped on people's jokes and never saw Scarface! That's comparable to being a literal pedophile.

I don't know man I REALLY hate people who aren't funny and get paid millions of dollars to be not funny. He kind of is a pedo, that wife of his is someone's daughter and he is a fraud with faulty seed.

Having a hot younger wife is called being a fucking gangster. Calling it “pedo” is peak jealous faggotry.

What does that make anthony?

Everyone's wife is someone's daughter, stupid.

Opie does not have dirt on anyone. Opie had nearly ZERO fucking contact with these people off the air.

Do you really think Opie is some kind of puppet master? Or he has some vault filled with blackmail?

Any "dirt" or inside scoop Opie has, was whispered to him by Sam. Or Kenny, after he read this sub.

You better leave it alone brotherman.

Sounds like the Opster may have some dirt on good old reddit user Lasagna_Hat.

Opie is empowered by this sub. He knows whats going on. He was never like this when this sub bashed him to high hell. Opie is confident because he knows he has support from countless anonymous autists. I imagine it's also scary to be on the other end of that if you're a lesser known public figure.

This sub praising Opie was a funny bit and has gotten decent content.

But who the fuck is scared of Opie?

Hot chicks with small vaginas fear the destroyer.

Lmao you fucking retards really think anyone gives a shit about this?

Well he worked alongside a pedophile racist and a narcissistic tranny fucker for nearly 20 years. I'm sure he knows a thing or two that he hasn't disclosed lol.

That's the thing, he doesn't disclose anything.

In fights with comics: "Oh you want to go there?!"....(nothing happens)

In fights with Jim and Sam: "Just let it go, I'm not going to say it"

Fighting with management/staff/Stern: "I mean, there's some stuff behind the scenes... I could bring up some real shit that people don't know, if he wants to go there.

Yeah, that's Opie's tactic. Act like you have an A-bomb and bluff your way into looking superior.

In reality it just makes everyone around him realize how mentally unstable he is.

And yeah, Jim and Anthony are creepy, tranny child fuckers.

Just because Opie is a better human than them, doesn't mean we need some delusional fantasies to keep this place interesting. We have BroJoe for God's sake

If it was just a bluff then why wouldn't they have just called him on it and said "go on, what dirt do you have?"
they know better than to ask that because he definitely does have dirt. even if it's just shit we already know, if The Destroyer was the one who repeated the "rumours" there would be an ABSOLUTE SHITSTORM because Opie is so influential and no one would doubt him because he's well known for being honest and a great dude.

oof. I mean yup all true.

he literally cried on air (which was faggy) but he's a simpleton who knew how not only to produce but host one of the best shows we've ever heard

b-but he stopped the funny talk

yeah and fucking right, sometimes he was retarded about it but he always had the show's interest at heart lol

listen to a nopie show and they're usually rubbish, no structure or anything

Opie definitely has a lot of dirt on Anthony and Jim. He was good friends with Anthony at one point and I'm sure there are many "skinny dipping with the Kahlua girls" type stories that have never made it to air. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew why Ant settled as soon a Jennifer was about to bring up his sex life, among other things.

And Jim literally sexually assaulted a passed out teenager in the office. If you think Opie doesn't have a few other stories like that, you're out of your mind.

Opie probably knows some shit from the FM era, sure. However, O&A both said their relationship only existed on the air since like 2001. They didn't talk, hang, or associate with the same people for nearly 20 years. They kept their lives completely separate.

Any "dirt" or inside scoop Opie has, was whispered to him by Sam. Or Kenny, after he read this sub.

If he knows anything from the 2000s, it was second hand for the most part. Like Danny would know as much or more dirt than anyone related to the show. Him and Ant were romantic for years

Could Opie tell fucked up stories about Ant or Jim? Absolutely. They are outspokenly despicable creatures driven by their weird perversions

My comment was response to this theory of "everyone is too SCARED to shit talk Opie because he knows stuff". Shit is stupid

Yeah, I don't buy that he has deep inside dirt on everybody but most comics do seem afraid of him. Probably because Opie is one of the only people in this bubble who will burn bridges and has nothing to lose. He's an autistic asshole but he probably has 10 million to sit on and there is virtually no dirt on him. There is no mutually assured destruction with him the way there is between most of these comics. Even if the dirt Opie knows is second hand, he can drop it on anybody without fear of reprisal.

It's like the Cold War but really stupid.

Or because they are a bunch of faggots

Everyone's scared of the fawkin psycho

Really? I feel like they largely ignore him

There's always a weird energy when he's mentioned on some O&A related podcast. They want to laugh and rag on him but there is lingering respect for their history or sheer pity

Jim shits on Opie whenever there's a lull in the conversation. His whole chip podcast is just a surreal attempt at parodying Opie, ironically without realising Opie on his worst day is infinitely better than anything Shit Shitterson could do on his best day.

Also surreal to hear those dipshits in that clip I linked whinging about Opie staring at his phone. That's Jim's signature move. And hilarious hearing Anthony talk about how fun it is to produce his "Artie and Anthony" podcast and how successful it is.

If you can stomach listening to these fags talk about FroYo after a while they shit on Opie, because surprisingly the 10 minute discussion about yoghurt wasn't enough to make them realise how ironic it is to compare their shitty professionally produced, relatively high budget yet unlistenable show, to Opie's podcast he does for fun with a few cheap microphones.

I wasnt talking about Jim or Ant.

When he said "O&A universe" I thought of "friends of the show" like comics. My comment was referencing anytime Opie gets mentioned on a podcast (YKWD, Legion of Skanks, etc).

Oh true enough then I suppose. None of them worked with him for years straight though so they probably don't have the bitter hatred towards him like Ant and Jim. I don't listen to much of those shows so I'll have to take your word for it that they're scared of the wrath of the Destroyer.

"*Opie on his worst day is infinitely better than anything Shit Shitterson could do on his best day.*"


What the heck did I ever do to you to make you say such a thing?!

I guess you guys weren't that close

Anthony and Jim would literally have nothing if it wasn't for Opie.

“scared to death of” != “profoundly irritated by”

Nice try wit da love doe.

Louis J Gomez just was a guest on one of the world's biggest podcasts. Brothaman never got a call back...even after recording a video plea.

Can only imagine what those two talked about, both are 🐍🐍🐍🐍 but Luis is at least honest

It was Rogan staring into space out of boredom, occasionally throwing in some non-sequiturs, while Gomez talked about the art of comedy and the entertainment business for three hours.


Oh yeah and Joe once again brought up a "hypothetical" of having sex with a big strong gay guy. No joke I heard it live.

Rogan was talking w/ Luis yesterday about the greatest times of the O&A show and paraphrasing he said "It was the best with Norton, Anthony, and Patrice going off" and just doesn't acknowledge Opie at all for the success of the show.

Luis would fuck Opie up, lol.

Sure, in the fantasy world that morons like Luis live in, where every difference should be settled by beating each other’s asses and seeing who can puff up their chest the most.

Nice fedora, stupid.

Says the weaboo



This is what faggots think. People that talk about beating others up are morons with nothing worthwhile to say.

Nice libtard thinking, stupid.

Did you unironically say "libtard"? Fucking faggot.

Go hug a suicide bomber and get back to me.

Woah watch out this guy means business


No Westwood One for you spic. Who’s the real ass dude now?

I would rather be a retarded quadriplegic with AIDS than have the Destroyer set his sights upon me

After he set his sights on you you WOULD be a retarded quadriplegic with aids, he fucks THAT hard.

Opie already has a bald Hispanic who wears hats and has a substance abuse problem.

Opie has one weak spot: He cares a lot about underpriviledged, socially inept people and befriends them very fast (i.e. Anthony, Jimmy, Sam etc.)

It's all because the Opester is a humanist.


Check your privilege.

BEEP BOOP I'm a bot. PM me to contact my author.

check your faggodtry, bot programmer

I should lynch you nigger

Die, god damn you

Oh boy...

It's all part of being a huwhite man.

Got it from his Long Island trash mother.

Remember, he grew up poor. Brothaman remembers the struggle

What a great guy. Would love to grab a cold road soda with the brotherman and the philly crew

California is full of em


Luis doesn't have a problem lol

Opie had his kid on his shoulders as he responded to the rattlesnake’s tweet.

Opie went very mild on Luis. God bless the Destroyer for his humanity.

That bean person got off light if you ask me

Humanity, humility, and hilarity. The three H's of the Hughes

Opie doesn’t want to have a guy on who has talked shit about him for four years? It’s a shame, I would have thought these two would actually get along pretty well if they had the chance. I like them both, but then I like almost everyone except fat science-fiction writers who think they need to escort people into conventions with their huge doughy stomachs in their medium T-shirts.

Does anyone actually Luis J Gomez funny?

This is the only good thing he's ever done.

Im a fan of Luis but when he worked on Sirius he got second hand info (from sam probably) that if you trash opie he will get you fired from the company so Luis stayed away.

Then he picked a side and it was with the degenerates opie picked up and made O&A with. Legit all the people affiliated with O&A would be nowhere without opie setting the brand in motion.

Look at sams mediocre but somewhat success in the business and he was an intern.

Just being the breakfast runner on O&A show got him this far.

Him and everyone else owe everything they have to O&A but acting in their true degenerate nature they will destroy and talk shit as much as they can until they eventually self implode.

Opie used to/still is abit cringy and insecure but they owe everything to this douche.

That "second hand info" was correct though, let's face it.

Proof of him getting other shows fired tho?

He had other moratoriums on comics that also did J&S or Ant's show. He was actively trying to get Roland fired behind the scenes, before he filmed him nude in the bathroom (even though you people would like to forget about that). And he got Ant banned the first go around at SIRISUXM.

So YEAH: I suspect he'd try to get you fired if you trashed him. But he doesn't have Howard's pull, so it wouldn't have been successful anyway. There's a clear difference between intent and what could happen in reality.

he got Ant banned the first go around at SIRISUXM

Was that really determined to be Opie's doing, rather than management? I'm not unwilling to believe it's true, I just don't remember.

Either he had 100% to do with it, or management took and valued his input more towards their decision, then their own instincts.

Davey Mac Sports Program was Opie and Wickland doing ESD dirty.

I can't attest to the shenanigans that happened after Anthony got fired since there was no point in listening to SXM at that point, but I'm almost certain Rich and Bonnie blame Opie for their show being shit canned.

Not really. I was listening the night Dave's last show was supposed to be on, and the channel had to go to dead air, then the error message, then cut into Dr. Steve rerun that was fast-forwarded to make up for the lost time.

Dave said himself that he called-in sick and left a message only two hours before the show - on a Saturday.

He was also pretty much asking to be fired, since the show had become a total mess, with everything being twisted into pedo references, to the point that Pepper stopped co-hosting.

I tuned-in because it had become such a disaster and knew it wouldn't be back.

Dave's show was cancelled because he didnt show up and people stopped listening. And because his cohost left. That's not some underhanded move. That's smart business.

The Legion of Skanks weren't O&A fans (they liked Howard.) Zac Amico is the O&A fan. Luis has said he's only heard the shows Patrice was on I think.

Big Jay was a R&F guy for years and years.

I know. I meant who they supported in the radio warz. They liked the little doggie network.

Colin Quinn is a huge success you dolt

Crocodile Dundee putting out numbers!

Outside of O&A you dont hear about him.


Be more better

It's true, Gomez isn't funny.

And Opie can't do any remotely listenable radio without the original gang

Man, the way they pushed his special, you’d think it would be good, heard it on Spotify. It’s hard to make it through.

Shots Fired! Hopefully for real, through the head of Luis.


Brothaman has no idea who Dave Smith is


Some faggot.

Mike Jones

Luis has moments, but he is unbearable 95% of the time when I hear him. When I tried out LoS, and he's there (I guess he's not always there?) he ruins everything.

gregg "opie" hughes is a coprophilic pedophile

hide your children folks, his insatiable hunger for toddler ass is a threat to us all

I could care less about Luis, but I don’t see that he was lying here. Unless all of you Opie ball washers consider Carl Ruiz to be a great fucking find.

I could care less

Could ya?

Actually, no. Never having heard his voice, I guess I couldn’t

Luis burned that bridge when he would laugh at ants dumb opie jokes on his show.

I forgot these two people are still around.


I think this is a little hasty. I understand Opie must defend himself, but I don't think Luis really went for the jugular here. It was a fairly tame remark on the part of our serpent like hispanic friend.

Don't hurt 'em Gregg. These young guys are only stiffing you because they learned that in this radio and comedy game, the truest sign of respect is to stiff your elders. And they learned it from you.

Opie should read a tweet like this, chuckle to himself, and say. "Oh. That's cute. Another student of the WBAB Psycho." Imitation is the sincerest form, brotha.

“Stiff your elders.” So true. And he got that from Howard. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

In any game of men, any true game of men, the love is built on hate. Any male combat, whether violent or intellectual, is based on challenging one another to keep each other sharp, and to bring out the best in each other. We point our finger right in the face of another man, to light the fire in him. To make him Opie again.

And it worked.


How much you want to bet his original hispanic last name wasn't good enough so he changed it to sell more tickets.

Ned Mencia

Good one Opester.

Here's the thing: There are a NUMBER of reasons to HATE Opie. You don't get to throw all those out because he isn't a Pedo. You CAN say: "Well, at least he isn't a pedophile.". But you don't get to go: "All the other stuff doesn't count because he's not a Pedo."

SIDE NOTE: He DID film a man nude without consent - a man he was actively trying to get fired - because he was taking a shit. He's probably a weird creep, and if he hadn't been paired with a partner that was already a pedophile, that creepiness probably would've flourished. Chew on that, faggots.

Thanks, Scorch.

You never filmed a coworker having a shit, loser?

I know everyone was "outraged" at the time but filming roland taking a shit is hilarious

Whats funnier is how much that photo cost him. That has to be the most expensive scat photo ever taken.

The Opie praise bit was a mistake tbh. Funny as fuck at first, but it feels like people aren't being ironic anymore (and in some respects you don't have to be). This is such a tame comment by Luis, and people support Opie being butthurt when he's saying the gayest shit like "be better."

It's OK to realize Opie wasn't exclusively the problem in O&A, even had some legitimate perks, but in cases like this, or the Joe Rogan twirling video, how do you not call out Opie on being a bitch.

The guy is garbage. The argument in support of him was "well, at least he's not a monster". Yes. At least he's not a fucking monster. But so goddamn what? There's a litany of awful people throughout history that were awful and weren't pedo's. Why can't this sub - dedicated to hating anyyone that isn't Norm or Colin - grasp that both these things can be mutually exclusive. Why cant we hate all three of them?

It's funny how some people really hate Opie and this Brothermanmania must really piss them off. I could care less. But I do understand, because if the sub ever started praising Jim Norton the same way I'd be fuckin pissed because I hate that little shit.

It's a tough one man.

"Be better". Oh god. What a fruit.

💯 fucking faggot

What happened to this Sub hating Opie?

Why is his Dick tonsils-deep in everyone's throat now?

Leave it alone.

This sub flip-flops more than Sue's Cock at Anthony's house

Because Opie has lost everything that can be taken from him by anonymous internet posting. He's utterly tapped out. Jim and Sam have 2.5 years left of getting paid to do opie's former job. Ant's probably failing but there's no way to prove it 100%. Joe still has one or two gigs now and then. Until all those things change, this sub will pretend to hate opie's enemies (which includes literally everyone on the planet).

I like Luis, but that is one gay tweet

Seems like calling a garbage tweet out with a garbage tweet is pretty gay. Be more funny

Looks like they already “figured things out”, Luis just retweeted Opie’s podcast plug.

No @mention? Someone’s shakin.

Luis J Gomez is human garbage too

Luis j. Gomez gave oral sex to bob jelly. Opie is a wholesome man who has no time for faggotry.

Did Opie ever really have an eye for talent? I mean, Sherrod Small, Vic Henley, and Carl Ruiz ? Three fucking duds.

Jim Norton Anthony Cumia, two other fucking duds.

What's everyone got against Luis? He's a real ass dude who went on TACS and mentioned Sue Lightening just to make this sub laugh.

Once again Insecure Opie plays the victim. What a pathetic display.

who's ?

The destroyer speaks.

Everything I have ever heard Luis J Gomez say wasn't funny

Spoken like a man with a beer can cock.

Opie Trump tweets.

This sub was so much better when you guys didn’t suck opies dick

/u/ThePRRattlesnake your cake just got stomped again nigger what's your response?

OwO, what's this? * It's your *4th Cakeday** cbanks420lol! hug

During the O&J era he couldn't be more hated. Now he's The People's Opester. How times have changed.

Honestly, opie sucks dick.

what's with all the opie love ... you faggots

That's the beauty of having "fuck you" money.

Acting like a faggot over a slight jab is not being a man.

Sure, in the fantasy world that morons like Luis live in, where every difference should be settled by beating each other’s asses and seeing who can puff up their chest the most.

He's still financially solvent!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 HO LEE SHIT!!!

Some faggot.

Its called autism.

The book 'The Four Agreements' says the first agreement that leads you to personal freedom is "Be Impeccable With Your Word".

Opie and Patrice were the only ones who carried this quality with them. Opie never formed jokes because he knew his lane and how to be impeccable with his words.

Except for his cryptic shark and beach videos when all that was going down, that was a bit douchey, but the opster has reformed

Real ass dude of the day - Opie

This is what faggots think. People that talk about beating others up are morons with nothing worthwhile to say.

You mean he isn't a giant faggot pussy like his two former on air partners?

Mike Jones