Nana's table from many years ago

13  2019-04-04 by bovinebrain


nickel plated sissy pistols.

Cause everybody knows that it’s a good thing to have a pistol with a reflective surface during a stand off at night

And a pistol that has a grip that is ergonomically comparable to a 2x4. The Desert Eagle is the handgun you own solely so you might say, “I own a Desert Eagle”.

If he could still own guns, it’d be nice to see him break his limp wrist firing this thing.

Missy meanwhile would be one-handing two machine guns like Rambo

boomer fudd

Elmer Dud

Coke residue on a mirror?

I was going to say it’s the reflection of the water bottle but there is clearly coke residue to the side of that.

I don’t think it’s a mirror actually but looks like flat surfaced object covered with drugs

The dollar bill next to the $20, looks like it was rolled up at one point.

He thought he was so fucking cool back then. The truth is he’s always been a sad creepy old man, but now his toys have been taken away.

That picture would impress a lot of high school black kids.


Remember all the faggots that would take pictures of their “setup”? shitty drink and pistol to get a retweet from nana.

I’ll fully admit to being a fan, but fuck me I was never that much of a cocksmoking sycophant

Haha I remember those tweets.

Hey, why doesn’t he tweet anymore.

Fuckin BADASS dude!!

What a faggot leaving single action guns out like they're hot and ready.

Why is the barrel of the large pistol colored differently to the rest of it?

I guaren fucking tee he carefully placed all those items before taking the picture of like the faggot that he is.

Hey - look there’s an iPad. I wonder which underage lass was in the Compound that day......

Today it would be just a big pile of sharpies

The only thing nana still has is the belt and hopefully he starts wearing it around his kneck

sd card filled with child porn

Perfect night!

Poland Springs and some CP.

I see Nana had to take off his belt. Must've been straining his menopause thighs. And the gun laying on top looks like an airsoft toy. Are we sure he hasn't been fooling with us the whole time, with his "gun" schtick?

Nice pager, stupid.

Not a man

What an insecure faggot trying so hard to look macho.