Fuck you non-political Faggots.

0  2019-04-04 by TweetsOfDoom


my favorite part of politics is looking at old ugly people and listening to women and niggers talk

I like getting angry with no humorous angle to take

I like to pretend I’m angry just so I can make fun of queers.

Politics is for old people and queers.

Worrying about politics all the time is the biggest gay. Making everything political means you have your priorities out of order. If you want to be political the best thing you can do is get involved in local politics where you live. Actually try and make a difference, you probably won't much but you could. If you spend time arguing about politics online and never actually do anything about anything, then you really need to take a step back and reevaluate yourself. Not everyone should be political and not everything needs to be political. Live your life faggot.

Well said, stupid

Fuck you and your gay politics. I’d rather rape myself with a can of worms than care about politics.

Well said, stupid