As much of a non faggot as you can be

239  2019-04-04 by CJ090


Isn’t he like fucking 109, or something, and drinks everyday? Amazing.

Dude enlisted when he was over 30... makers mark and cigars regularly

Real ass dude personified

I thought he had passed away? but he was really old

Yeah, he did. I wanted to reread about his story and he died at the young age of 112

Niggas gettin all old 'n shiznit

He's one hundred and dead years old. RIP.

God be with him no bs

Richard Overton who died last year at 112yrs old

He was an amazing man. Watched a documentary on him - Mr. Overton

He drank Irish Coffee & smoked at least 1 cigar everyday. A decorated Army Veteran - was oldest surviving WWII Vet. Just the polar opposite of a Cumia - (except for their heritage) - he was a man.

He could probably still get a hard on

Actually served in combat arms instead of feeding the real men

"That fuckin guinea who tried to grab my cock the other day undercooked these goddamn home-fries! Time to dishonorably discharge a cap in his ass!"

Joe Sr was in the Service?

I cried laughing reading this. Very good.

I drove my truck off the road.

muh based black man. Take it to TD

the only racial slur i'd refer to him by is "Sir"

That's not a racial slur

Thanks for the insight, Sam.

It is if you're enlisted. "I'm not a sir, I work for a living"


Better than the new black people for sure

True but who isn't? Hell even Indians are better.... Smelly dirty Indians!!

The terms "Indians" is pretty offensive, buddy. It's 2019; we call them "Savage Americans".

He meant red dot Indians, stupid

Street shitters?

Proper term is street shitter

The worst non whites are probably abbos and somalis to be fair


Don’t be Rama Rama

We know you weren't in WWII, Joe, stop cosplaying in that hat.


Not cool.

You obviously don't get it.

Hey hey... language.

Go do a Brody Stevens impression

He was a good slave

youre not wrong but farming votes from this is pretty faggy

What is it you think we do here?

Kill time between Panera shifts?

And until our dealer texts us back that we can come through

Just reverse image searched this guy, he looked like a motherfucking pimp right to the death. Didn't look a day over 70, and no bullshit that is fucking incredible.

Black don't crack.

Combat veteran, hard worker, crack shot, hard drinker and smoker, still had guns, and all his marbles. Loved by the people.

He is the black man the Cumia brothers should have aspired to be.

Instead they look up to a racist cunt that fed them stale tuna from the vending machines he robbed.

Ant got his guns back?!

Ant wish he looked like that.

One of the Good Ones.

Imagine that worm trying to explain one of this daily problems to this man. The guy would probably unload that clip

*Look across the river Jimmy and I will tell you so you can almost see it."

1% of the 1%

Based murica sending niggers to kill Europeans who wanted to free themselves from jewry

Based murica sending niggers to kill Europeans who wanted to free themselves from jewry

This is the closest thing to wholesome a bunch of white racist obese truckers are capable of getting to

nick served him tainted pizza when he lived in austin & that’s why we lost this hero. i think mr. mullen could use a visit from seal team 6

he makes faggot threads on here and just pastes an image of "r/opieandanthony"

He’d slap Joe in the face like Morgan Freeman did Denzel in Glory.

My neighbor and close friend was a Korean war vet. He had a great gun collection, small but awesome: M1 Garand and .357 Mag. He was as close to Walt from Grand Torino as an old white man could be without ever seeing the movie. The last old white dude on street that's now filled completely with Arabs. He definitely wasn't as progressive as the character from GT though.

Arabs are better than blacks or mexicans.


Have you ever been to an Arab neighbourhood? Clinics and stores on every corner, commerce.

Maybe where you live, in deluded retardville, but Dearborn is a shit hole with high crime and terror related arrests regularly occurring.

What is this ebony hero’s name

The latest season of True Detective was boring as fuck

AND HE'S A BLACK GUY!!!!!!!!!! SEE????????? SEE??????????????

One of the best of us, rest in peace, dawg.

Real ass dude

You can tell this man takes no guff

let it be known that nicholas mullen moved to austin just to kill this man by serving him tainted pizza

This sub accepts people of all races, colors, and creeds

Not cool.

You obviously don't get it.

Hey hey... language.


Don’t be Rama Rama

Go do a Brody Stevens impression