Convicted Rapist (Allegedly)

31  2019-04-03 by Anal_Sacks


Is this Owen Benjamin or Fatrick?

Or a regular erock

Skinny Mike Bocchetti

>Owen Benjamin


I trust you see that was an unnecessary duplication.

Not alleged. Its 100% fact

He flat-out admitted they weren't rumors.

Theres been dozens of his victims posting here before. Its all 100% verified fact

Theres been dozens of his victims posting here before

There's one who sadly never will. That poor boy, just took his own life as soon as he saw the chance. What the fuck did he go through?

That doesn’t make sense, sir

He must live off an inheritance, or possibly a successful younger brother. His book sales are shit to nonexistent. No way he can support himself, a kid, an ex wife and her bull on low sales.

Pretty sure his parents give him the dough

and then he eats it

His wife works. If you were a successful author, your chick wouldn't have to work.

Not only does she work but she owns her own business. She wears the pants in that house.

He sells insurance

Reminds me of a scene in Fargo.

You did a six year bit for stealing all those flat screens.


No, dummy. When you're convicted that means you actually did it.

Oh. Right.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby.

He looks like the main character from Idle Hands' fatter older brother.

"I can't control my hand and it's been writing a ton of shitty novels, child!"

No Child, I was only convicted of Sodomy