“I’m 6’1” 230 lbs” This is Joe’s attempt at trolling this sub.

11  2019-04-03 by marco4371


230 my ass.

He promised he'd lose 25 lbs in a month "watch." Yet now claims he lost 20 in three months without proof.

I bet just his flabby tits weigh half of that.

All day he has been calling us ladies and now with the "not your girlfriend's bike"

He is raising a daughter and uses misogynistic insults. She is constantly reminded that she is inferior to males. If she gets some bullshit administrative job she will be 109% more accomplished than her, but he'd rather she accept gifts from generous older men because her only value is in her pussy.

Fuck you, joe.

the good news is he'll be dead by the time she's 18.

Probably irrelevant but a Sportster Harley is considered a woman's Harley. They're smaller and easier to handle for smaller riders. Also cheaper so a guy could get one for his wife who doesn't really want to ride. Joe's trying to say that even though it's not a Big Twin it's still a macho bike. It isn't.

Again, you're a mentally ill ugly whore mother with two children to take take of, don't comment on anyone else's parenting.

This isn't your Girlfriends bike

Another shot at Fat Pat and his gay little bike? Is Brother Joe, dare I say it, one of us?


It begins.

Is he selling that along with the rollerblades? Nigga broke

sportsters are quite literally girl bikes.

they literally have scooter engines with lots of rubber bushings and springs so it doesn't vibrate your pussy too much.



It's an awful sounding name either way with all those 'S's. It sounds like a chick pissing.

It's a Harley. I honestly figured he got it so it would tickle his asshole. Plus not to mention Harley owners are old attention seeking faggots.

Did he mention he is 6’1?

Fucking Harley Sportster?!?!?!?

Yeah, your right Joe! This isn't your girlfriend's bike or your mom's bike, it's your grandma's bike!

Finally his allowance has dried up. What happend to the 10K gigs, Joe?

Upcoming summer Cumia & Cumia plumbing

Did Joe return with a new AMA?