
20  2019-04-03 by ShutYourCakeHorn


Jokes Seth Can't Tell: funny ones.

buuuurp that’s the line. vurry good, vurry good.

God damn is this really what white people have come to?

close your mouth faggot

Well cut my dick off and call me a woman, this dudes a butthurt leftist.

Seth is the one who really ruined SNL (other than Lorne Michaels of course who empowered this bag of vaginal discharge). Fallon and Fay had nearly ruined it earlier but it was this soft unfunny faggot who really killed it for good.

At least that last sentence was accurate


This faggot would eat shit and say it tasted good if those cunts told him to.

I think I truly get why old people hate younger generations now. I can't fathom surviving fighting in a war, to eventually end up in a nursing home, turning on a TV only to see this shit on it and trying to make sense of what the fuck is going on.

Does the nignog have a glass eye? What the fuck is wrong with her?