Reddit, huh? Uhhh, nah. I'm more a sit-down, spoken-word kinda guy. Uh, hah, yeah... I was making fun of former shock jock's older brothers before you were an itch in your daddy's pants. I, uh, draw the line when they're mentally handicapped though. That's uhhh, a shortbus I won't ride.

53  2019-04-03 by GorramTimebomb


I don't necessarily condoooone ipads for children but I can see the value in offering them one. Now, leeching off your family? That's a cheque I won't cash.

“That’s a welfare check written that I won’t cash.”

A man who’s not afraid to be type cast as a white suprematist.

Acting racist in a movie, brother? It is indeed a possibilty. But actually being racist? Thats a coon i will not hunt.

'Sure I have a watch from 1995, What are you Jews gonna do about it'

eh, I need to work on my Rollins voice

I suck black penises all day, but never white ones because they belong to privileged white guys. That's a batch I won't swallow.

I'm more of a hebephile than a pedophile. You see, the difference is hebephilia is with pubescent girls aged 12-15 whereas pedophilia is with pre-pubescent childrengirls aged 4-11. If she can't get a period than that's a tampon I wont bleed on

you guys make me laugh, NOT! heh, this sub is full of faggots- not that there is anything wrong with being homosexual, that's just a show i ain't attending.

Transphobia? Now that’s one class I’m not going to enrol in.

Drinking? HAH, for squares I say daddy-o. I get my rocks off living with ancient tribes and learning their ways so I can better understand the minorities.

“That’s one hockey helmet that I just cannot wear 24/7!”


I remember him talking about quitting music on O & A. He said "I called my manager and said Sit Down, okay, I'm done with music.". The manager was probably was probably thinking who gives a shit your last album sold 4,356 copies. Then he asked him if he wanted to play a former Naval scrub being questioned about a murder on NCIS.