Intlectual Homosexual

107  2019-04-03 by DannedFromBrama


Maybe I'm wrong but that guy seems too on the nose to be Brother Joe. Then again he is an idiot.

It's Joe or we have a Flowers for Algernon tier retard-character writer here.

mr. cumia said i shud rite down what i think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on. tuday i went to the super markit parking lot to play my gitar

sitar* appreciate their culture

mr. cumia said i shud rite down what i think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on. tuday i went to the super markit parking lot to play my gitar

There's a lot of dudes on this sub that would be so much happier if they just gave up the fight and sucked a dick.

Nice theory, faggot.

I have another theory about guys that call other guys faggots and homos in every other post they make, but I'll save that one for another time.

Gay homo faggot

Yeah, like that.


I've heard repressed homosexuals often feel the need to have the last word, like women.

Do they, faggot?

Here a couple of three words fuckyuh muttuh faggot

I have a theory that people who love Star Wars Battlefront are both gay and uninteresting.

You literally just said everyone on here wants to suck dick.

Whats your theory, sir?

A pro-rape stance. It's interesting..

Well, he got one of those right

That's hilarious! Who put those glasses on that cow?

Oh, the gals over at r/awww are gonna love this one!

My dad's mentally-disabled cousin visited a radio station for the first time today, even got to meet some famous people! Show him some love, Reddit!

If 2002 David Cross got a traumatic head injury and a spray tan

Bubba Gay Dudley

in tna known as Fully-Gay

He's closer to D-Von Dudley.

Always with the mouth ajar fucking cocksucker.

Low IQ

That's actually good look for Joe.

I mean, aside from the fly motel he calls a mouth and the fact that he was 20 years younger and 75 pounds skinnier.

But everything else is just about there.

Every picture of this fucktard just needs the caption “Duh”.


Looks like one of the Dudley Boyz

Nice spelling of intellectual, stupid.

I wish he bit his tongue off


Just not a smart looking man

Nice theory, faggot.

A pro-rape stance. It's interesting..